Power and money are fruits of life
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Here I would like to put forth some points from the book "THINK AND GROW RICH" so intrigued me when i read that book , which i feel need to share with you, if you are not a bibliophile or not aware of this book which was written by Napoleon Hill. Here I don't want to differentiate which is more important , they have their uniqueness and pros and cons it depends on what you want to achieve or mean goals and also depends on your way of thinking ,here i want to talk about how to achieve money ,power and fame…
Here , if you want achieve fame,money or power there are two kinds of knowledge. One is general, the other is specialized. General knowledge, no matter how great in quantity or variety it may be, is of but little use in the accumulation of money. The faculties of the great universities possess, every form of general knowledge(practically and theoretical) known to civilization.
Most of the professors have little or no money. They specialize on teaching knowledge, but they do not specialize on the organization, or the use of knowledge they accumulated. Knowledge will not attract money, unless it is organized, and intelligently directed, through practical plan of action, to the definite end of accumulation of money. Lack of understanding of this fact has been the source of confusion to millions of people who falsely believe that "knowledge is power." It is nothing of the sort! Knowledge is only potential power.
It becomes power only when, and if, it is organized into definite plans of action, and directed to a definite end. This "missing link" in all systems of education known to civilization today, may be found in the failure of educational institutions to teach their students. Many people make the mistake of assuming that, because Henry Ford had but little "schooling," he is not a man of "education." Those who make this mistake do not know Henry Ford, nor do they understand the real meaning of the word "educate." That word is derived from the Latin word "educo," meaning to educe, to draw out, to develop from within.
Being Content is the most important thing in your life. Let’s take example of above mentioned things. Fame: If you are not content with how popular you are. You will never be satisfied with even more. Money: Money is evil. It can make you do anything. Yes! I said, “Anything”!!! What if you own property of millions and still cannot sleep well??? Think of people living on roadside or on footpaths. They don’t have their own mansions. They don’t know if they will get food to eat or not. But have you ever seen their kids playing with few wooden blocks and smiling? That is their RC car. That is all they have. And that is what it is to be satisfied with what you have; rather than longing for more and more.
Power: You must be aware of corruption in India. Now we all know that higher authorities in India are treated as VVIP. They get what they want. They own luxury cars, bungalows, and much more. And still we see corruption! Now you may know why? All this may go out of your hands at any moment in your life. But what remains behind is the “Real You”. And the Real You must be satisfied. You get the last one right. None of the above. Life is not about being something or achieving something. It is being nobody and art of giving(serving).
There are some Aishnas which is big hindrance in the growth. Lokeshana: To be famous or achieving fame. Putreshana: to be blind about children. Doing everything for a child and recognizing him as your son instead of divine’s. Jeeveasana: crave for prolonged life. Fear, greed everything is result for jeevesana. Many people are stuck in above. Life is about freedom, enlightenment. Every others thing is very small and insignificant. We born again and again to be free from this cycle. Unfortunately, 1000 year back everyone is aware that we keep on taking births as an opportunity to get liberated, freedom, infinite joy.
Uncovering bliss. But we are stuck in pity useless thing. Attitude defines who you are ! Every else is temporary (money & fame ) and you just can’t define yourself in terms of that !People won’t remember your bank balance or how famous you were , they will simply remember how you greeted them when you met them. So always have an attitude towards life that make you a better human. Life without a proper attitude is like car without a steering !! You simply can’t go where you want.Cheers!