The Power of Mindset
Ajith Kumar
Head Of Sales & Operations at DV Analytics ll Design Thinking ll Developing Strategies & Creativity ll Game Changer ll Business Leader ll Master Prospector ll Learning ll Growing ll Dreaming ll Raising
A few years ago, I was sitting at my study table and was really upset and almost crying because after working more and more the end result was bad.
Suddenly I saw an Insect moving on my table and I don't know why but I just blocked its path with my fingers..
As expected, it turned and changed its path; then again I blocked its path by 2 sides now.
This time it simply turned 180° and kept moving on and on.
Sorry, but I was upset, I wanted to irritate the insect more and more.
This time, I blocked its path from all sides and just kept one small path to pass.
To my surprise, it moved everywhere and finally got that little pass and again kept moving.
Now I became more angry as that insect was not at all getting irritated and it kept on moving with its usual speed every time.
This time, I blocked every path and thought that now this little creature will be scared and will just roam between my fingers.
But I was wrong. First, it roamed few seconds for the path, after many unsuccessful attempts, it made its own path and climbed my fingers and landed on the table again. Then, as usual, it kept on moving.
After that, I felt like something hit my mind and heart very hard.
My hard work for these years felt like nothing in front of that little creature. I was upset because of my bad luck. But this little insect was doing more and more hard work to get on to the path of success.
We being the most powerful creature on the planet, cry on for small problems that we care and instead of working hard towards the challenges and convert those into opportunities, We simply blame it all on our luck.
Our focus should not be about just winning or losing, our focus should be on achieving, retaining and improvising on our peak performance and execute them flawlessly.