The Power of Mindfulness
Gloria Belendez Ramirez
Happiness Ambassador enticing others to choose happiness
Welcome back to this happpiness platform, where we share how to decide to be happy and stay happy no matter what.
This time I am sharing with you the amazing power of Mindfulness, which can be especially felt in Annaya, Lebanon, at the Hermitage of Saint Charbel.
This place is dedicated to the reconnection with self, following the example of a man who set the example of how mindfulness truly allows us, human beings, to apply the tremendous inner power of calm, of trust, provoking our health, wealth and wellbeing.
Lebanon is known to have suffered armed invasions and civil wars throughout its history.
It is also known for the resilience of its people, who base their life style on a solid Family network. Sitting around the table during meals, they take their time to enjoy. The food, always a result of delicious old family recipes, is made with locally grown ingredients…
Even if there is a myriad of issues to attend to, Lebanon will always have that little corner in which you can retire, even if just for a few minutes, to just be…
In order to make a living, there are over 17 million Lebanese living abroad, supporting the actual economy of the country from successful businesses all over the world, supporting the only 4 million Lebanese living in Lebanon…plus the three million refugees who have arrived mainly from Syria since the war broke in that neighbouring country and from Palestine.
Mindfulness is what has kept Lebanon going.
The contrast can be mind-blowing, since you do get into intense traffic jams while the normal society issues can be very complicated. Often without a head of state, and laws being often broken, things can get quite complicated…mindfulness makes that great difference…
It is very common to be speaking with a civil servant in a government office and hear their cellphone ring as they answer “Mom? Yes. Please tell me…”
Or as you are walking on the streets to see people stop to watch the flowers bloom or kiss a grandchild with total effusion.
Or have them invite you to drink coffee, even if you don’t know them, when you walk in front of their homes as they are cleaning their sidewalks or trimming their plants in their gardens.
It is truly amazing how they keep calm even in the chaos. How they live in the Now…
When I came to Lebanon the first time in 1998, there was still a lot of war destruction and rubble all over the place.
However, restaurants were full despite the mountains of cement debris that was piled everywhere.
People were wearing nice clothes, enjoying every bite of the delicious fresh foods while living in the moment…happy to finally have no more bombs disrupt their lives.
What a lesson of life!
What mindfulness is not
- To be mindful, you do not need to sit in a quiet room to meditate
- Neither do you need to be alone so that there are no distractions to your practice
- There is no need to have an ample knowledge of scientific facts
What Mindfulness is
- You only need to be appreciative of all what is around you
- Simply observe the miracle that every single little creature is
- Just bathe in the wonder that everything is…
- You can be walking, running, working, bathing under the sun, even cleaning your house, and be mindful…
Mindfulness in pictures
Let me share with you the following images, hoping to transmit the truth that when you choose Mindfulness, you are provoking your brain to provoke the gushing of endorphins, sending you in that calm state that guarantees your health, wealth and wellbeing.
Feeling the magic
At the Restaurant in Mar Charbel. The staff is always ready to hug you, to pamper you. To simply be, always being in the Now.