The power of Martin Luther King Jr. and Hope for Change 2024
Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester
MHCGM is the largest outpatient mental health provider in the state of NH for all ages.
In a country and world that still to this day struggles with race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, women’s rights, and so many other differences, talking about Martin Luther King Jr. can give us all pause to re-evaluate where we are as well as where we are going. I cannot leave out how society looks and interacts with mental illness as this engages itself in all these issues. At the same time, it continues to stand on its own, struggling and fighting for understanding and acceptance.
Martin said very thoughtful and remarkable words at a time when few individuals dared to even speak out. He warned people that change does not happen quickly, at least that lasting change does not. But by continuing to move forward, it will someday solidify change.
The field of mental health has had its’ struggles with a serious lack of public understanding. The “they vs. us” has never been seen clearer than when we are faced with countless deaths from horrific drugs, or the inability of people to see that for so many… homelessness and poverty are not choices people decide to make or even try to survive with.
Martin once said, “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin but the content of their character.” I second that Martin, but wish to add…I have a dream that people will someday not be judged by the color of their skin or their ethnicity, their sexual orientation, if they are a woman or a man, and most importantly that they may be living with physical or mental illness, but rather by who they are as people and how great we all are when we come together. For as Martin so intuitively said. “We can all get more together … than we can apart. And this is the way we gain power. Power is the ability to achieve purpose, power is the ability to effect change, and we need power.”
As we reflect on this day of such a remarkable man, let us all try to remember, that despite our differences, in so many ways we are all the same. We all share this one world and like it or not, we do need each other. Today I do not doubt that Martin was right. So, if we keep moving forward and join with understanding and compassion, we will solidify real change.
Rik Cornell