The Power of a Library
Georgine Wallace
Seasoned Professional with proven track record in program management, relationship building, community organizing, and instructional design.
Many of you heard me talk about my volunteer work with the DC Public Library and designing the new Southwest Library. Below is a link to the 20-minute opening ceremony from May 2021. I receive a couple mentions in the speeches. COVID protocols were still in effect, and the ability to invite neighbors was limited.
What made me think of the video was an event held last week. The Friends of the SW Library recently cosponsored the library's first "birthday" with a party on the lawn. The card pictured was signed and decorated by neighborhood children. At a time when it seems like we are more divided than ever, it was heartening to see neighbors from across Southwest attend, participate in activities, and just enjoy talking to one another. The power of a library is an amazing thing.