From Margaret Thatcher | Steve Jobs to Erika James | Jamie Dimon | Jordan Peterson or Andrew Tate and then what?

The Fundamental Skill for Future Leaders: It’s not about mastering technology, Fintech, Sales nor any other technical attributes that many celebrate at the present. After an extensive and extremely challenging reading together we are going to discover the scarce skill through this article to master in order to lead the future.

We all can appreciate the impact of technology to our economies but what about the influence of those leading change in our societies.

Margaret Thatcher, known as the "Iron Lady," Prime Minister of United Kingdom (1979 to 1990). Her leadership style, perceived as cold or firm yet powerful while guided primarily by her own values =Thatcherism, included free-market economics, privatization, tax cuts, and the promotion of home ownership.

Her policies implemented in Britain impacted the international scene. A strong believer of deregulation and reducing state intervention. Also known for growing inequalities.

Steve Jobs as well as past leaders had a strong personality and pushing employers to the limits culture which led to toxic working environment. For some he was intimidating and persuasive but for many pardoned due to his genius and innovation leading to the world most recognized Apple products such as the iPhone (2007), MacIntosh (1984) or iPad (2001) It may be worth mentioning his skepticism on the development of these but showing a relevant skill to embrace innovation and recognize potential.

Finally Jose Mourinho, a controversial football (not soccer) manager that led Real Madrid into a winning mentality opposing FC Barcelona (Tiki taka) dominance era led by Pep Guardiola and what many believe to be a Dream Team of passing and pressure highlighting Leo Messi performances. Mourinho leadership style was believed to be provocative, confrontational, aggressive, pragmatic tactical defensive approach brilliant for the short run but in decline of team performance and internal conflicts in the long run.

On 2013, Harvard Business Review described Baroness Thatcher leadership as tenacious and steadfast therefore revolutionary.

These leaders are part of what we will call old trend but effective strategists on their prime which explains a winning mentality but at what cost?

I agree on leadership as a natural quality to provide value within chaos, be extraordinary. Back in 2016 the media even justified Hilary Clinton presidential election failure against former president Donald J Trump as not being able to match his toughness and provocative attitude...which I believe to be quite a daring simplification after the email, family scandals, sexism imbalance and other “conspiration societal dynamics” It’s certain that the perception of a leader it is someone successful at any given level but we shouldn't limit ourselves there. Our generations grew up with Hollywood promoting Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio's character on the Wolf Of Wall Street) and somehow portraying what success looks like, then a spiritual master Sadhguru JV work got noticed and started conducting interviews at leading business institutions such as Stanford University Graduate School of Business which was odd and intriguing to learn from due to his simplicity yet powerful philosophy approach to life.

While trying to envision the future, where potentially Nexus 6 along with other replicants will be rebelling in the pursue for freedom against his genetic engineers and societal constraints. It seemed like a topic that required further study. In order to comprehend leadership we really need to go back to the fundamental notions of it. The will to power and existential struggle ( Superman) popularized by Nietzsche’s literature.

Zarathustra, a big influence on Nietzsche philosophy ,isolated in the mountains to later return to the world and share his wisdom acquired by observations (Similar to Sadhguru introspective journey around India and then his global movement). Zarathustra will then be claiming the -Death of God- , introducing übermensch (superman) & will to power.

Friedrich Nietzsche, was a German philosopher of the late 19th century, an era where religion was in decline on detriment of scientific revolution such as Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. The nature of people is likely to demonstrate strength and some like Hitler understood this in a convenient way to impose his will nationally and then on a failed attempt internationally.

Nietzsche's in contradiction of Arthur Schopenhauer concept of the "will to live" (stating the universe and everything in it is driven by a primordial will to live) which results in a desire in all living creatures to avoid death and to procreate-more fundamental even than being.

Nietzsche, on his book Thus Spoke Zarathustra when introducing the übermensch as the one able to create its own values, resonates with those aiming to create a better future but then, who ‘s values are right? Should we agree on universal value represented by those managing society. Nietzsche ideas contradicts Immanuel Kant Categorical Imperative but are considered to be a response to nihilism caused by the tragic claim God is dead made originally by Zarathustra. There is an evolution on Nietzsche perception of the will to power. I quote:

“The reason why a powerful person is grateful is this: his benefactor has […] intruded into [his] sphere […] It is a milder form of )revenge. Without the satisfaction of gratitude, the powerful man would have shown himself powerless and would hence be considered so. Therefore every society of the good, i.e., originally of the powerful, places gratitude amongst the first duties.” Human, All Too Human, (1878) §44

On this quote granting others the power of making you favors is a sign of losing your own power but by thanking them you recover the same because now the perception is that she/he has done something for you. Gratitude = Revenge

On later books he will insist that only the weak man wishes to hurt and to see the signs of suffering demonstrating his/her lack of true power. Therefore will to Power = Self-overcoming = Self mastering

A challenging mentality in today’s generations corrupted by fast success causing struggles on true identity, eventually laziness or fear of change leading to confusion and eventually finding comfort following others contradicting the true principles of this concept.

For Nietzsche the only way to achieve the highest level of happiness is to take risks accepting the dynamics of reality which by default destroys the consideration of traditional methods or politics as an optimal practice to solve future problems.

I might be oversimplifying such a complex persona and ideas but today’s article is not about philosophy but the Powerful skill needed to lead the future.

We can predict that coexisting with sentient intelligence will force humans to redefine existence however those aiming to become leaders have the power to start defining the principles to surpass these developments. Will AI turn into the übermensch surpassing our limitations?

I seem to struggle with futuristics movies like Blade Runner depicting a gloomy ecosystem…I strongly believe that todays efforts on sustainability and continuous increments of innovation due to the power acquired through Artificial Intelligence will break with these brilliant but apocalyptic Hollywood productions.

What would the best version of ‘you’ be like? what does ‘best’ actually mean?

Nietzsche’s philosophy is somehow pragmatic and satisfying but do future generations rely on strength and self control as being strong, unbreakable? cold? tough? Winners at any cost?

We learned from nature that Lions and Gladiators, teamed up and coordinate increasing their probability of success for survival, applicable to win a game or to profit from other challenging situations. The leading figure on those groups were not necessarily the strongest but they applied an effective winning strategy for their survival. Communication, simplicity, access to quality information (via body language or eye contact)

Conversational Circumplex developed by authors : Mike Yeomans-Maurice and Alison Woods

Before writing I need reliable insights so out of curiosity when preparing this article I fall on the Wharton Executive Education podcast between Dean Erika James and Adam Grant (accessible to anyone interested) Quoting Adam:

"Leaders must allow room for challenging ideas and adopt a learning attitude because by experience the contrary leads the 2nd person to Attack, Defense or withdrawn from the conversation" Adam Grant

Bet on yourself, soft skills are hard, proactivity and learning while taking action. Communication is extremely important and hence the relevance of the Circumplex diagram above created to identify, prioritize and pursue informational and relational motives in conversation = satisfying results.

Any conversation that is HI or HR is classified as optimal.

Gregg Popovich , Erika H. James and Jamie Dimon were an easy “triple” to put together due to their outstanding achievements and most importantly their human factor philosophy on success and excellence through effective communication. While having different backgrounds they manage to become game changers in their fields and global examples by empowering those talented but voiceless minorities.

As a former athlete I understand the relevance of a coach duty mostly under bad moments so to become a shield of the team under external attacks and sometimes unexpected internally. For example, believing in a player when board members want to replace you.

Gregg Popovich passionate collector of wine and former military of US Air forces, has led 5 (NBA) championships with San Antonio Spurs, record of playoffs appearances, has led the national USA basketball team, he guides his teams into success by focusing on developing team culture instead of singularities, he is flexible on his strategies and player management showing success in different periods of the NBA. Those who know him will highlight his direct communication and being generous by treating staff and players equally = ^trust = ^loyalty. He has been outspoken about social issues and motivates people around him to continue learning. I could also introduce Carlo Ancelotti as an antithesis to Jose Mourinho controversial and conflictive tactics. MR Ancelotti, more accessible and composed manager brought a more proactive attitude at Real Madrid as club and to his players with a winning mentality instead of reacting on FC Barcelona performance. A father figure for many players optimizing the performance of players like Cristiano Ronaldo, Karim Benzema or Vinicius JR and leading Real Madrid to a extended winning era.

Erika James, a well prepared and talented innovator in education and management as well as top tier psychologist and expert on crisis management while leading diversity implementation in various organizations also known as appointed Dean (dean = the academic version of a chief executive) at 美国宾夕法尼亚大学 - 沃顿商学院 , reinforces this leadership approach by saying:

“Our success depends on the ability to make others successful" Erika James

Back on 2021 on her newsletter #NotesfromtheDean, Erika addressed those leading homes, community and workplace, sharing her concerns on the fatigue and effects of covid 19. Proposing a Self centered approach, as it is imperative to look after yourself before assisting others. This is as basic as it seems and policy on most safety guidelines on any organization for emergency situations same as wearing your mask first on a plane or staying safe while natural catastrophes. During the pandemic for remote work she insisted in the importance of removing distractions and prioritizing. I agree on this as I would normally prioritize the task that would have the most impact in the company. This applies to those times when you are extremely busy with clients chasing you for urgent queries. She humanizes herself by advising to structure your day but make sure you have time to challenge yourself with activities that will fill your curiosity. Simply be dynamic in order to inspire others.

On her notes while at Wharton Global Forum, event hosted in Singapore, she recognizes her limitations as per knowledge on AI, Finance or engineering focusing on human values like humility to listen and accept criticism while at the top. Insisting on leaders find innovation when hearing from diverse stakeholders. Therefore collaboration is key but for that Trust must be built first in order to resolve common global challenges or do business with people not sharing same ideology.

Be Grateful and reflective as reflection is fundamental to anticipate and tackle crisis. She believes in:

“Ask tough questions, recognize vulnerability and threats” Erika James

I label this as positive pessimistic analysis that we can appreciate along her book with Lynn Perry (The Prepared Leader)

An Attitude of Gratitude also builds a Healthy Workplace Culture by small actions of gratitude at work that would impact employee happiness and retention levels while also enhancing effective relationships.

For some the challenge really is how do you practice these ideas when working on busy offices and top tier companies that requires you to work 60+hours a week? Adjustments like getting to know your workers better on the hiring process and then restructuring consolidated offices by shared interests. It may sound like a dating app but this, I think would help ease integration in any company, promote long term vision and shared hobbies which will naturally result in workmates getting along improving communication therefore greater rates of success while working together.

When in really challenging decisions the WE is a fundamental concept for her as she learned from the 2022 Patagonia case, the sportswear brand, founder and CEO Yvon Chouinard wanted to give away the multi-billion dollar business instead of selling it as every option was as bad as prior. On this situations in order to see the big picture you need as many counsel as possible and expert insights. Therefore empower yourself by empowering others, give them a voice and challenging those bits of information to make better informed decisions.

A distinctive idea from Erika is to find the energizers (identifying the people who energize you rather than drain your energy)

As a leader you must be excellent at filtering so many strong viewpoints from various departments, employees and in her case students in order to advance the best options for the organization while doing so remember to build a vision with stakeholders, not by yourself.

"A vision and corresponding call to action allows people the freedom to say no. They allow people the opportunity to focus efforts in concentrated ways which is how we work smarter, not harder" Erika James

By watching the Knowledge at Wharton Podcast hosted by Eric Bradlow I learned and agreed that People + AI = Imperative Partnership to evolve and that at the end of the day human judgement at the high end will prevail over computer advise.

Jamie Dimon - CEO of JPMorgan- the largest bank of America with over $3.7 Trillion in assets at the time writing this article. Nominated twice as US Treasury Secretary by Former POTUS Trump and Joe Biden. Mostly known for not only surviving the crisis, while others giants like Lehman Brothers dissolved, but to keep a sustained profits for its shareholders for multiple decades. Jamie survived throat cancer hence he focuses on wellness and promotes education reform, he possesses a strategic vision to secure success through the bank multiple cycles and economic outlook better than many competitors. I remember while a student the deep and tragedy of the “Triple As” and struggling to understand the Restructuring of the Spanish Financial System following global Financial crisis of 2008. Jamie is an expert on Risk Management celebrated by his Integrity and promoting employees development. When watching his interviews you connect with his direct and clear message.

He advocates for :

"An inclusive economy – in which there is widespread access to opportunity – is a stronger, more resilient economy.'

Jamie Dimon Leadership Style has the purpose of creating and maintaining strong relationships. Skilled employees become more loyal to bosses and affiliate leaders direct positive words to keep them productive and confidence.

Discipline should be built on consistent talent reviews, customer and businesses reviews and team meetings...KPI's

Company comes first against any ego, similar to when in sports some players make seem to struggle to understand that nobody is above Club or institution.

He keeps an open mind to get right solutions = less bureaucracy but you also need to be open to change = excellent at being uncomfortable.

The fundamental goal is to serve the customer-client at the highest standards' possible following a plan to succeed.

“Good enough is never enough." Jamie Dimon

He insists to take responsibility of Your Own Actions = Accountability for failure and for success = resolving issues faster.

Finally he is well known as the leader to promote Social Responsibility in top financial entities against traditionally those only focused on increasing shareholder gains.

Jamie therefore helped on the initiative for multiple programs, apprenticeships and access from high school to Higher education around the world in order to provide relevant skills for the less privileged and women globally.

Recently MR Dimon has revealed more insights like the need to improve your processes based on data = measure results, and determine what’s working and what’s not. Use Failure as recurring (normal outcome) Same ideas shared by Erika James.

These modern yet rational values and approaches seemed to me to be the reason why Wharton will keep leading the Data field, why JP Morgan will keep being a global Titan and why talented teams will continue to win. It's not only the leadership that reflects a keen understanding on society's dynamics, but to be able to predict and like Erika stated, anticipate potential scenarios for a prompt response at any given time. Before revealing the desired skill among the powerful we need to mention two more influential characters.

Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate uses a basic but powerful type of leadership message while targeting different audiences by taking advantage of the evolutionary dynamics of patriarchy as result to today society contradicting with Nietzsche on the real meaning of the übermensch while creating dependency on what we could label as "the will to comfort" . A will that indirectly withdraws power from those following them. Both intellectual superstars make over ninety million dollars each per year through their businesses , mainly getting advantage of a young population seeking for a leading figure.

Professor DR Peterson famous for his strong temperament even though a psychologist and as best selling author on books like -Maps of Meaning- or -12 Rules for life- as well as Andrew Tate have acquire massive fortune with ideas that provide marginal gains like "make your bed in the morning" or " Go to gym"

A simplistic but effective strategy to connect with new generations, the paradox is most rejects family / friends advise and encouragement into a healthy lifestyle yet these have the power to convince people that their advise it's based on experience. Well to be honest I don't necessarily envision DR Peterson making his own bed nor he stands with his shoulders straight as he command on his book. Therefore what people really see in them? I can only think of the simplification and accessibility to complex characters and perceptions of a message claiming to be good for the individual.. Some may understand that, in reality, the fundamental nature of becoming such popular is due to Jordan being a proven angry psychologist and the Tate brothers being eloquent kickboxers. This seems to be the key of interest while on my inductive research.

The power of their message is therefore embrace yourself, nothing is impossible.

DALL·E 2023-11-16 13.30.57 - A futuristic cityscape showcasing a diverse coexistence of humans, artificial intelligences, and humanoids. This utopia features flying cars, eco-friendly

There is a deep and clear pattern within those leading todays diverse groups or industries. Clearly they are ahead of their time and others simply identified and developed a winning strategy. In a futuristic context there are exercises, studies and methods into acquiring and mastering the so desirable skill that will help you govern tomorrow which by now I'm confident on quoting Rhonda Byrne, "You already know The Secret"

Hope you finished your cup of tea!

The following is a relaxing video: Can You hear the music?

Kindest Regards:

Martin R Ebang Nve - Just for humanity???

Useful References:


