Power to knowledge, not to power!
In my very first article (which you can read here: https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/pieter-jan-de-man-69346516_9-governments-61-ministers-795-members-activity-6566623662345195520-sdR9) I was upset on how our Belgian structure with 9 governments and 795 members of parliament is anything but agile and also anything but successful in finding solutions for, in this case, poverty.
Now, in Corona-times, there's no place to hide. As this virus is not picky in who it attacks, when and where, we see the true colours of every system.
After 298 days (!) of negotiations, we rushed in to giving the current government full power. And even more, we dissolved the parliament so the government was able to take quick decisions and actions.
Now I wonder if the members of the parliaments are also on unemployed aid like 1.1 million Belgians, or if they get full pay to stay at home, hide from Corona and truly show there added value.
Thank god our decision making is now down to a government with special powers that relies on… knowledge! It's not the prime minister deciding, it's the virologists, epidemic specialists and doctors that provide information, give recommendations and do what they are trained, studied and prepared for.
In a new, agile organisation, decisions are made on knowledge by those who have the information to make a thoughtful decision instead of just making decisions based on having the power to decide.
Let's hope that after rain comes sun, and we can all learn from this. In case of stress you don't need the overpaid members of 9 parliaments. You need truck drivers, cashiers, nurses and doctors. And scientist that know what they're talking about.