The Power of Kindness
? Stephen H. Farra, PhD, LP, 2017.?
Kindness is not a word we usually associate with power.?We tend to associate the word power with the “hard” realities of weapons, force, aggression, privileged position, lots of money, and advantageous political connections that we often believe will “actually get things done.”?We tend to associate the word kindness with love, empathy, humility, self-sacrifice – those “soft” realities that may seem “nice” or “pleasant”, even "comforting" at times, but do not (in our thinking) really “accomplish very much.”??
Yet, over time, the polar opposite / the complete reverse is true.
If you are ever in a very difficult, fearful, perhaps desperate situation and someone suddenly comes along and shows you real kindness, significantly helps you out, perhaps saving you from something dreadful, unless you are a narcissist or a sociopath, you will always remember his or her act of kindness and be deeply grateful.?Over time, that act of kindness will mean much more to you and have much more impact on your thinking and personal behavior than one more display of "unbridled selfishness" or “vicious territoriality” that we see played out in almost every organization, including most religious organizations, every day.
There are (of course) those who attempt to practice a form of fake kindness.?This includes those who regularly give out compliments, gifts, or apparently helpful gestures – but it’s all done for manipulative, often destructive purposes.?Looking back, you see that what you first thought was a kindness was just a strategy to “soften you up” or “get you into position” for theft, a public insult, or a personal assault.?These are the very deceitful, highly destructive individuals who are much more dangerous than those who reveal their destructive, evil intent up-front, from the get-go.?But, we must not become overly cynical.?Just because they often put forward a form of fake kindness does not mean there is no such thing as real kindness!???????????
Real kindness tends to be remembered, producing reflection and positive adjustments in our thinking and personal behavior over time.?During our time on Earth, after our time on Earth, kindness is rightly remembered and often celebrated. ??Over time, kindness has more impact on reflective thinking and personal behavior than all the nasty stuff destructive individuals can dredge up out of their dark souls.???
Through kindness we can achieve a positive legacy that could never be achieved through force or intimidation.?Most will remember our kindness, treasure it in their hearts, and (if they experience enough real kindness from us and from others) eventually learn to be kind themselves. ??Do you want to change the world???Learn to appreciate and extend the power of kindness!???????***