Just and Wise Power

Just and Wise Power

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"There is no force on earth that can equal in its conquering power the force of Justice and Wisdom."

No force on earth.

As I walk into June, exploring the Strength that is KNOWledge, as I come out of May having begun to explore Optimism, Stoicism and what I affectionately call and reclaim as COOLness. and as I recently wrote and posted on COOLness and Just Cause... I stumble again upon these afore noted and quoted words of Bahá’u’lláh.

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No Force on Earth

Consider those words. No force on earth can equal that of Justice and Wisdom; two parts of The?4 Cardinal Virtues?of Stoicism?...?Courage?and?Justice?and?Temperance?and?Wisdom. As I dive into KNOWledge as a Virtue this month, I am captured by this importance of...

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... and ...

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As part of my own work and Service, for whom I best serve... I would ask:

  • What does Justice and Wisdom look like for me in daily practice?
  • What would enable me to ever better practice same?
  • What is my return on investment in doing so?

And so, I ask us all. What would they look like? How could they be practiced, and to what powerful end?

Character ...

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Respectfully, humbly and assertively I say... Character matters. And, there is a Character to Leadership. Indeed, here is a possible framework for Character in Leadership. And... developing Character Leadership matters. This is not simply "kumbaya" stuff. That said, I am reminded at this very moment of these words of Bahá’u’lláh as well...

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  • "O friends! Be not careless of the virtues with which ye have been endowed, neither be neglectful of your high destiny."

The High Destiny Thing

Our High Destiny is empowered by the Virtues, in practice. Their patient manifestation in our lives provides us Strength, forges a Caring... enkindles Courage, Justice, Temperance and Wisdom. Truthfully, I deeply believe in Optimism over positivity. The latter is manifested in avoidance, denial and escapism. The former positively faces change and challenge and chaos. This world needs more of such. This world needs more of Character, Our future needs it. But I digress, for now, just a bit.

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For Each of Us

KNOWledge is the healthy, robust pursuit of Wisdom. It is about awareness of ourselves and the world. For me, this day, I am ever better Understanding the capacity for KNOWledge to advance both my better and best sense of Health and Service. An ever more self aware Barry Unit is healthier on so many levels. And I will explore such more this month, drawing on my education and experience in exploring Character?and?Purpose.... and Unity. More importantly, I will dig into Wisdom old and newly discovered...

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... to practice KNOWledge; that deep, soulful desire to learn and acquire Wisdom. That said, "There is no force on earth that can equal in its conquering power the force of Justice and Wisdom." Let us consider that. Consider what they might look like in daily practice and walk that. Imagine your own just and wise walk. Let that sink in. Aim High.

Justice, Peace and Unity...

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Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage

Explore your Code of Character

A PEACE of WORK May '23

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