The Power of Jumping off the Cliff
Ever wondered, how a decision could have changed your entire life had you taken the risk of moving out of your comfort zone? Probably, yes, because we all have faced it one way or the other!
Life is a mystery of what-ifs and the common tendency of a human being is ensuring that an extra measure is taken to safeguard its own interest. The only glitch being, having an extra cautious approach towards opportunities. Most people prefer the luxury of not knowing about the other side of the ocean if they know that a risk beckons them. Never to challenge the unknown which reflects hardship.
We still live in a world of an Elon Musk or a Nick Vujicic who have shown us that there is light beyond darkness. A proof of what Robert Frost clearly portrayed in his Road Not Taken! Reality says we are presented with multiple opportunities regularly, but the one who makes merry of those is the one who has the courage to embrace the unknown. Being agile in the 21st century isn't just a way to deliver better products, but it is the only way to survive and achieve something higher. It is just a mandate that one can't escape!
Our industries today, are bugged with the essence of change. But how do we define Change? Some say, it is the power to adapt, some perceive it as "Being Innovative", but what exactly is it? I mean, what exactly is Innovation? Isn't it just the hunger or curiousness of someone to find the unknown and give birth to something that was non-existent? Well, truly a Jobs or an Elon Musk would say so! Our younger days captured the world through a "Kodak" but where is it now? Well, it is just important to take that leap of faith and jump, sometimes for discovering a greater world, and sometimes, to just survive in a world of fierce competition.
Technology today has not outgrown Humankind but has provided a better channel to answer their questions by themselves. The resources available are no comparison to what it was a decade back, yet it is not everyone that dreams of being an entrepreneur, yet not everyone takes the little risk to achieve something better. Because it is not the technology or resources that help us grow but it is the extra effort that makes the difference. It is, after all, the power to jump off the cliff that helps an individual to stand out from the crowd!