The Power of Journal Writing

The Power of Journal Writing

While creating WHAT YOU WANT in your life, it is important to keep your imagination alive and to capture all your great ideas. There is no better way than by writing each day in your journal. The short term memory can be deceptive, we think we will remember something and science tells us we can retain information on average for three minutes. Having a journal handy to jot things down any time of day is fantastic. A great idea may be lost if it is not captured straight away.

The clarity and detail you have around your goal needs to be written in black and white. You can see it every day and hold it in your mind, powering up your intention. Your successes can be recorded and celebrated in your journal. Even when there are difficulties or blockages you can write out your frustration in your journal. Sometimes this will make the barriers dissolve or at least look more flimsy.

Writing requires us to think through our process on a deeper level. Keeping a journal naturally reminds us to articulate our next steps. You can make notes on your phone, tablet or laptop too, then maybe transfer key points to your journal. The Power of Journal Writing needs to be experienced at least once.

How You Get What You Want is the first in a series of online courses here on LinkedIn and at instagram and facebook.


