??The Power of Insight & Imagination For Inspirational Leaders ??
Clement ChukwuEmeka Odukwe (Chartered Engr.) CEng BEng MSc MIET
Railway Electrification Projects: I deliver sustainable design solution & technical assurance for HV, LV & DC systems.
Every successful achievement in life starts with the seed of an idea, but it takes the power of your Imagination and Insight to plant those ideas firmly in the garden of your mind and transform them into your desired outcome (harvest).
Most people are limited in life because they are controlled and constrained by what they can physically see (Sight), but IMAGINATION is a function of the mind and there is no limitation to the power of your imagination (Insight).
The first-century scholar and author of the epistles, Paul said, ''For we live by faith, not by sight.''
The reality of life is that the eyes that look are many but only a few can see. This is because your progress in life would be limited if your Mind (INSIGHT) is Blind.
The foregoing reminds me of the following inspiring quotations:
This brings me to my next point; God gave you the gift of Imagination and Insight so that you will never be limited by what you can physically see (SIGHT) because what you can see with your mind (INSIGHT) determines what you can accomplish in your life.
So my question for you today is; ''where do you see your life headed?''?????
Are you Inspired and empowered, or disempowered and frustrated by what you can see??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
The book of Proverbs says, ‘’Where there is no vision, the people perish.’’
However, the power of Imagination and Insight empowers you to see yourself Being, Doing, and Having the success you desire in life by becoming the Best Version of yourself.
This is because success is not what you pursue, but what you attract into your life by whom you become.
This brings me to my next point; the power of Imagination and Insight enables you to see potential in what others overlook. And this principle is applicable to both personal and business life.
As a leader what potential can you see in the human and material resources that others overlook?
In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, ''Treat a man as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he could be, and he will become what he should be.''
It is only by leveraging the power of Imagination and Insight that any leader can inspire others to become the Best Version of themself.
This brings to mind the inspiring statement from Alexander the Great, ''I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.''
Likewise, an Inspirational Leader can transform an organisation, especially struggling businesses, by creating the road map and the bridge to connect the present to the desired destination.
This is because there is no Pro-Vision without a Vision and your feet can only take you to where your mind has already been, through your Imagination and Insight.
Therefore, write the vision down today and set your transformational goals to take strategic actions in alignment with your vision.
"Then the Lord said to me, “Write my answer (vision) plainly on tablets so that a runner can carry the correct message to others. This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed." Habakkuk 2:2
This brings me to my final point; the actualisation of your vision, dreams, and goals could be slow, but they can never be aborted if you leverage the power of Imagination and Insight to overcome the obstacles you will face in life.
Therefore, to achieve anything worthwhile in your life you must first begin with the end in mind; by imagining yourself Being, Doing, and Having your desired transformational results.
Hence, your insight and imagination are your creative power. And if you are not happy with the direction of your life or organisation, you can change the dynamics by intentionally leveraging the power of imagination and insight to your advantage; because to change your result, you must change what your mind can see and create.
Today's Inspiration is an excerpt from the Inspirational Book??
??DAILY POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS: The Self-talk Therapy For Overcoming Challenges & Fears:
??Please use this secure link to get your copy today: https://linktr.ee/daillyaffirmations
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