The Power Of Influence

The Power Of Influence

In the Old Testament the Patriarch Joseph was placed second in command, right beside Pharaoh, because he solved an agricultural and economical problem in Egypt.

King Solomon gained many allies due to his wisdom- problem solving strategies.

The character Job was considered one of the Wisest Men of The East.

Add to that Job was a great Business Consultant.

Today we have people like Dr. Claude Anderson Businessman, Global Economical Specialist, Political Analyst, Educator and Professor Thomas Sowell-Economist and Social Theorist who's wisdom has influenced many successful businesses.

Influence has always been a powerful tool in any given society, and when it comes to landing your dream job it’s no different.

In order to be successful at landing you dream job/ career you have to defy the status quo and be willing to use effective strategies.

The Eagle is known as the most Powerful Bird in the animal kingdom-with its laser like focus it can spot a mouse or a fish in the water while flying 500 feet in the air.

Just like the eagle you too have to use laser like focus in order to land your dream job-by following these steps.

1.Locate the company you desire to join and find a problem.

All companies have problems and in order to function effectively they need problem solvers on their team-that’s where you come in my friend!

Find out as much as you can about their problem. For example some problems may be displayed in the media take Walmart for example (e.g. Downsizing).

You can research this by checking Forbes Magazine, U.S.A. Today, The Business Insider, and places like Seeking Alpha and Quora.

2.Another excellent approach is to target one or two individuals who have great influence over the position you’re seeking.

All C-Level Managers have great influence within the company and by connecting with them you increase your chances of getting hired.

For example: Apple Account Manager HR Services

Here’s How:

1.Go to LinkedIn and search using Business Name + Job Title.

2.A list of contacts will appear

3.After you located several managers that are relevant to your search, use Voila Norbert to obtain their email address.

3. Locate their Challenges

All businesses hire people in order to optimize their revenue!

Upon communicating with the key person in the company-weather by email, phone, or in person gather all the information necessary.

One of the biggest question you can ask is ‘’ What is the greatest obstacle your company is presently facing?

Other important questions to ask are:

  • What strategies have you attempted to implement?
  • What restrictions are hindering you from solving it?
  • How did this problem start?

Conducting research is always beneficial and by searching websites like Quora chances are you’ll find vital information that will help you to formulate your answers to the company’s present problem.

The main objective is to create at least 2-3 persuasive solutions. Once you have them noted, refer them back to your contact manager.

If your conclusions are accurate, your contact manager will share them with his or her team.

Your influence will more than likely cause them to contact you saying ‘’ Those answers you submitted were awesome. We have an opening in our XXXX department and we’d like for you to join our team. Is that something you may be interested in?

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Belcak, A. (2017, May). Applying online won't land you your dream job — here's what to do instead. Retrieved from


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