The Power of the "Human" Element in Visual Stimuli: Understanding Visual Attention through Eye Tracking Research

The Power of the "Human" Element in Visual Stimuli: Understanding Visual Attention through Eye Tracking Research

Every moment of our lives, our eyes are in a silent dance with our surroundings. This dance can sometimes be reflected in the way we focus on a scene in a movie, the first detail that catches our attention on an advertising poster, how we scan the images we like in a video we watch on social media, or the details that catch our eye on the shelves while shopping. All these situations offer various clues about how the elements around us are presented and what we pay attention to. Because our eyes are a window that illuminates not only the outside world but also our inner world, and every detail we focus on is a projection of our personal preferences, perceptions and the way we make sense of the world. All these details are traced through eye-tracking research, one of the techniques offered by disciplines such as neuromarketing and psychophysiological data harvesting.

Used in a wide range of fields, from marketing to psychology, communication and education to healthcare, eye tracking is, in the simplest terms, a method used to track a person’s eye movements and gaze direction.

The protagonists of this research are eye-tracking devices (also known as eye-trackers) and there are two main types: Screen-based devices and wearable glasses. Screen-based devices usually work integrated with a monitor or screen. They detect the user’s gaze and analyze where it is focused at the millisecond level. Wearable glasses, on the other hand, are designed like ordinary framed glasses and can be worn by users in their daily lives. In addition to these, there is also the option of webcam eye trackers that offer remote eye tracking. This process starts with the user clicking on a selective link using a computer, tablet or smartphone. All these tools track eye movements and output attention value and amount of focus. The collected data is visualized through heat maps or gaze graphs. The values thus obtained are an important predictor of the effect of visual stimuli.

On the other hand, “human figures” have a great influence on eye tracking research. Because human beings are a powerful communication tool. The human element is one of the most effective ways of establishing emotional connection, attracting attention and supporting the message. This is evident not only in advertisements but also in all visual communication tools. Human faces are particularly striking and directly affect the emotional reactions of the viewer. A smiling face in an advertisement or a look in a movie scene draws the viewer’s attention to a specific point.

A study conducted at the University of Birmingham observed that visuals containing human faces attract the viewer’s attention faster and for longer. In particular, point of view plays a critical role in directing the viewer’s focus (Duchowski, 2017). For example, texts placed in the direction of the person in a face image allow the viewer to spend more time on both the face and the text. Studies investigating audience perception of the human element in visual stimuli (Delen & ?lter, 2021; Nichifor et al., 2021; Becan & Kaya, 2022; Demirel, 2023) agree that the human figure is the main element that attracts and maintains visual attention as a concrete visual component. This can be explained by the fact that easily identifiable visual elements create a positive emotional arousal. Moreover, due to its potential to refer to past experiences, the human face and gaze angle have the potential to create a bond with the viewer. Similarly, a child’s face evokes trust and sympathy in the viewer and ensures a positive perception of the message. At this point, Ayd?n, Tuncer and Demirel (2023) also revealed that child characters used in advertisements create significant differences in the focus of the audience.

In conclusion, the use of the "human" figure in visual stimuli has an important place in communication strategy, and eye tracking research is a valuable tool for the representation of the human element in visual communication.

However, it should not be forgotten that the human element alone may not always be sufficient for audience perception. At this point, it is important to carefully plan visual designs with color contrasts and object arrangements and to preserve human figures appropriately.

Author: Yaren Demirel


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  • Duchowski, A. T. (2017). Eye Tracking Methodology: Theory and Practice. Springer.
  • Nichifor, E., Lixandroiu, R. C., Chitu, I. B., Bratucu, G., Sumedrea, S., Maican, C. I. ve Tecau, A. S. (2021). Eye tracking and an A/B split test for social media marketing optimization: The connection between the user prole and ad creative components. J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res., 16, 2319–2340.



