The power of horses in personal development and business growth
We all have our reasons for being drawn to horses. For me, it's always been a stirring of something deep within my soul.
The way they call me out on how I show up in the world.
The way they know what's really going on.
The way they can at the same moment push me to the edge of my comfort zone, to the edge of my existence it feels like sometimes, and yet be my safety net and my anchor at the same time.
The way they mirror what is going on within me.
The way they ask me to be more of who I am, in my truth.
The way they allow me to be near them, lead them.
The way they so completely trust me.
What draws me is the lessons they teach me about all of these things as horsemanship, as a rider; but also as a woman, a human being, a soul, a spirit, a leader, a friend, a daughter, a sister, a lover, a coach, a mentor...ALL of it.
What also draws me is that dream we have of deep connection, one-ness, the ultimate level of trust, freedom, connection, spiritual intimacy, two hearts beating as one, two minds and bodies working in harmony.
It's what people love about stories like Black Beauty, or The Snowman, or ANY story about the magical connection between horse and human; or training methods or riders who are so connected in the moment, that words cannot even do justice to what we are seeing.
Duke has taught me so much about being a better person, about the weight I carry through shame and guilt and how that continued to perpetuate behaviours I wasn't proud of through anger and some self-hatred as a result; how to let go and trust more, even when it seems crazy to do so.
To enjoy the ride and not be so focused on the perfection of what I am doing and HOW, but just enjoy it, learn, lean in, laugh, let go.
That the more I take things less seriously, the more FUN it all is (ironic and pretty obvious, right? Yet so many of us live life that way without realising, and ride our horses that way without realising).
I get to CHOOSE the way I go about things, the way I see things.
I get CHOOSE to pause, take a breathe, and CHOOSE what I do next - I get to respond, not react. And that can change in any moment to being what I WOULD LIKE to show up as, not as who or what I've shown up as in the past, and keeping on repeating those patterns.
My horses mean the world to me, not for the ribbons or the perfection, but because they TRY for me, so damn hard; they give themselves ALL to me; they listen and respond accordingly; they allow me to be me, and accept me as I am.
It is about who I am on the inside that counts to them, and for that I am driven to be even better each day; to learn more about myself, horsemanship, mindset, technical riding skills, love, trust, faith, kindness, gratitude, letting go...everything, all of it.
I am a better person because of them. And I thank them for being my guides and my mirrors each day.
Want to experience the power of horses in your journey to be more of who you truly are, gain confidence and clarity, build a purpose-led and passion driven business, and create more wealth and abundance? Message me for details!