The Power of Growth Mindset

The Power of Growth Mindset

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I've received these comments lately... "wow, you are going places, presenting your book to various ministers and VIPs, so how do you do it?

Well, my simple answer was... do what works to achieve what you want.

Then, the person said to me "But, I don't like to meet people, I don't like to be on social media, I don't like to put myself out there."

My reply was... "All the best to you."

How can you achieve success in your business, career and life if you don't want to do what works?

Your fixed mindset is... I don't like this and that and everything else.

???????????? ?????????????? is... I will try to do it to see if it works. Research on who has done it and succeeded. Take the initiative to talk to them.

If it works, don't you think you have missed the opportunity if you didn't do it? My life principle has always been just try it first and see how it goes. Don't overthink until NOTHING gets done.

This is why ???????????? ?????????????? is very powerful and growth mindset will make you become tenacious - to love storms or challenges. The thrill is overcoming challenges. Challenges make your experiences more meaningful.

Nothing is impossible if you put your mind, heart and soul in it. Like what Dato' Azizulhasni Awang said "Kita makan, tidur, hidup memang untuk sukan." It has to be part of your lifestyle.

Similarly, with our son's passion for #football - if you want to succeed, you must eat, sleep and live with football. Avoid any distractions to stay focussed.

For me, my business is already part of my life. I cannot differentiate anymore between work and play. I meet many business contacts who have become friends.

Your success has to be ingrained in you. I've learned and experienced ???????????? ?????????????? only after I left the corporate world. I've applied it in my business, career, family and life.

Let me tell you, the past 8 years have been amazing! Many bumpy roads for sure, not as smooth as silk but... the results are definitely worth it!

Challenge yourself to achieve extraordinary things.

#author #speaker #trainer #socialentrepreneur #nurlinahussin #growthmindset #beachangemakerwithgrowthmindset


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