The Power of Gratitude

The Power of Gratitude

We remember when our parents or a grandparent said to us “Say the magic words”. Usually that meant “please”. But there are two additional transnational words, thank you. Who would have expected two words to have so much power? Showing appreciation and acknowledging gratitude in others can have cathartic results. Since ancient times, philosophers have touted the benefits of living a life filled with gratitude. But you don’t have to be Socrates to understand being thankful and demonstrating appreciation adds to overall well-being.

 Thank you without intent however can come off as insincere and hollow. So, it is important that gratitude and the acts of thankfulness become habitual and organic to your personality. This doesn’t mean thanking people of expected behaviours; it means you are in tune with critical moments that call for you to send and receive the benefits of gratitude. Ask yourself a few check-in questions…

  • Do you send hand written note of thankfulness to a colleague, supplier or employee?
  • Do you keep a gratitude journal where you memorialise thankfulness?
  • Do you mediate, pray or find time to be calm reflection to help centre your thoughts and feelings?
  • Do you actively and mentally show yourself gratitude for accomplishments made or goals achieved?
  • Do you celebrate the small victories and the small steps forward in your life and business?

 Practice gratitude daily reminder – inspirational handwriting on a napkin

 Different people require acknowledgement in different ways. Find unique and distinct ways to show appreciation. Customers, employees and family members all require different levels and measures so that the gratitude is received for optimal results. Adding gratitude to every part of your life can add satisfaction and help you reach new levels of effectiveness.

In times of crisis and as life beings to enter a new normal, gratitude will be a useful skill and mindset to help us move us forward. The fear and uncertainty of the pandemic have led many to forget to be thankful for what they have and yearn instead for what we have lost. This becomes the fictitious circle. The less satisfaction or appreciation for the new state, the more you will attract more positive results.

Finding something to thankful for when your business is closed, when your bills are mounting and when the future is unsure, can seem insurmountable. You may have to digger deeper to find small things to be thankful for.

Find ways to bring more gratitude to your life. Celebrate the smallest of achievements and share that gratitude with those in your circle. Spread gratitude, add a thank you and remember to appreciate life’s opportunities to bring more abundance to you in return.


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