Power of Gratitude
Photo by Annemarie Grud?n on Unsplash

Power of Gratitude

Human mind in general likes the negativity. We remember the negative/bad/pain incidences or events very well. We could recollect even after years. But if we try to recollect the good things or happy moments, we will struggle.

This is because we have been brought in this society to focus more on negative things and to be cautious about it.

Over a period of time, this negativity starts to affect your life and will lead to live a mediocre life style than the grandeur one you deserve.

How to we overcome this negativity and make our mind focus on positivity? This is affecting the entire world.

Simple yet powerful way to train our mind to focus on positivity is "GRATITUDE".

Let's explore how do we practice Gratitude.

We should start expressing gratitude to each and every thing around us.

  1. Start expressing Thank you for all those who did some thing or other like helping, serving , doing the work etc.... This will also apply to all living things including animals, plants etc. Also thank the non living things and nature that are helpful to you to make your life happy.
  2. Start writing the Gratitude Journal. Everyday either in the morning or evening, start writing the gratitude journal. Start the journal with " I am grateful to ........(You can fill it with details as mentioned in 1). You should write minimum 5 things for which you are grateful for every day.

By practicing gratitude, you will start focusing the mind from negativity to positivity. This is a process and you derive the benefit only if you do it on daily basis.

Journaling a powerful tool that will help you to improve your productivity, physical and mental health. This is the secret weapon of all successful business as well as corporate leaders

Make it a routine in you life and reap the benefits to enhance your lifestyle


V Senthil Kumar I Entrepreneur I Sales Expert I Growth Partner I Global Sourcing Partner I的更多文章

