Phoebe Fournier
Educator | Wellness Mentor | Life Mastery Consultant | Professional Speaker | Success Coach | Work-Life-Balance Educator
Why is gratitude truly the key to living your most expansive, joyful, abundant life? Because it puts you in an energetic frequency that is harmonious with abundance and that naturally and effortlessly brings more of what you would truly love into your life.
There are 3 Levels of Gratitude:
Think of a circumstance, situation or condition you are currently experiencing or have experienced that is not something you would desire or enjoy. Find the seed of good in it and feel grateful for that good. One of my mentors suggests we ask, "What is great about this?" Maybe it's that you're alive or you have even more clarity around what you do want in your life. As you practice this, you will generate more to be grateful for and live an abundant life.