Power of Gratitude, Giving and Sharing
Avinash Anand Singh, PCC
India's Leading Growth Mindset & Peak Performance Coach| Merging Science & Spirituality| Former Member Forbes Coaches | Impacted 15,000+lives | Enabling people to create rapid transformation.
How many of us realize the world is very subtly taking a shift? A shift which is breaking down the old forms and creating the new. A shift which is happening at a level of world and same time happening at a level of a human being too. A shift which is clearly highlighting and building up the principles on which this entire Universe works on. The principles of love, gratitude, giving and sharing.
For most people, the concept of gratitude, giving and sharing sounds like spiritual jargon's and has no practical relationship with the day to day life. For them, life is very harsh and for one to survive in this harsh world, one needs to be street smart, clever, intelligent and somewhat selfish too. How far is this true?
If you meet people who believe on these, they will show you ample evidence and examples of how world treats you in an unfair way, how people out there are willing to cheat you, how everyone is behind making money and they are busy looking at what’s in it for me, without having any concern or care for others.
Without the doubt, to some extent this is true. We do have people in this world who comes with above qualities, and they are to be found everywhere in the society.
But the important question to be asked is, “Is this what represents the Universe, the earth and the human race?†As a race, are we driven by the principles of selfishness, greed, what’s in it for me only or is there more to it? Another way of asking this would be, “What makes human beings, human?†What are the core drivers and principles which have driven our existence till now? What are some of the most fundamental values we have lived with and because of which we have survived for such a long period of time?
Let’s understand the macro to micro, from the big to small. Let’s start with the Universe. What is Universe? If we see the definition given by Merriam-Webster, the Universe is, “a systematic whole held to arise by and persist through the direct intervention of divine powerâ€. The Divine Power referred here can also be understood as the Divine Intelligence or the Universal Intelligence creating and sustaining everything. In the ancient Indian scripture - Rigveda, the cosmic intelligence is known as Hiranyagarbha.
Some section of the scientist also holds on to the view that, Universe is a giant quantum computer or highly advanced computer program or a hologram, which we are not even aware of it, like in the movie matrix but the question then comes, “who created this program, who wrote the code?â€, Well, the scientists are on the job to find this answer as well.
Now, if you observe the Universe from a layman perspective, you will find such an amazing work of collaboration, sharing and giving. A human being or any object on earth is never at rest, our Milky way galaxy is rotating at a speed of 225 km per second. Just to tell you how fast this is, the fastest supersonic speed of a jet name Su-27 Flanker moves at speed of 2500 km per hour or 0.694 km per second and our galaxy is moving at 225 km per second. Isn’t that astonishing that even at such fast speed, you don’t even feel an inch of movement? How is this even possible?
Is there a display of such high degree of collaboration and cooperation which we know nothing of?
Apart from it, the same milky way galaxy is hurling through the cosmos at a speed of approx. 305 km per second, combining both the speeds, we are racing at a speed of 530 km per second. So, practically in one minute, we travel 20,000 km. And this is happening nonstop since the day one you are here and till the last day of your life. Approximately one million earth-like planets would fit inside our sun, which is called as a G2 dwarf star. There are approximately 10 billion trillion stars in our Universe.
Sometimes, being with the child curiosity, I ask, what makes these galaxies and planets not to collide with each other, what makes the sun comes out every morning and give life to millions and billions of species of plants, animals and humans. What is that intelligence governing this so beautifully? What makes the earth have this natural cycle of weather? How beautifully in each season, we have different specific fruits available to eat and all with a very specific purpose having immense value for us.
How beautifully and unselfishly Universe provides us fruits, vegetables to eat, land to live, water to drink, all as if, it is precisely taking care of each one of us. This is not only true for human beings, but for billions of other life forms sustaining on earth. And all this merely on earth and imagine the trillions of earth-like planets we have in the Universe. The earth, as the galaxy, is rotating too, and still, we can’t hear a bit of noise.
Is all this a massive arrangement and order of things which is based on the principles of love, gratitude, sharing and giving? As the Universe asks for nothing in return for giving all this to us. Do we feel gratitude for the uncountable gifts we get from the Universe every second?
Let’s come to the human body, the recent research in science highlights that our body is made up of 100 trillion cells and all having a consciousness of its own. These are like 100 trillion miniature human beings having all the functions which a human body has like digestion, respiratory, excretory etc. Your heart keeps beating 100,000 times a day without stopping, it generates approx. 40 million heartbeats per year. And that means nearly three billion pulsations over a lifetime of 70 to 80 years. All this happens automatically, without your conscious control, without care or cleaning, without repair or replacement.
What if your heart which has an intelligence decides not to cooperate with you? And start taking breaks? In fact ask someone who has done their bit to bring the heart in disorder, what trouble it creates if it's not functioning well? Or what if other organs and body parts like kidneys, liver, digestion system, lungs, spleen, eyes, brain, ears stops working? Is there a cooperation, unselfish giving and work done by these organs for you to live well?
In one his article, one of my favorite author, Dr Joe Dispenza writes, “In the second it takes you to inhale, you lose three million red blood cells, and in the next second, the same number will be replaced. How long would we live if we had to focus on making all this happen? Some greater (more expanded) mind must be orchestrating all of this for us. Please stop reading for one second. Just now, some 100,000 chemical reactions took place in every single one of your cells. Now multiply 100,000 chemical reactions by the 70 to 100 trillion cells that make up your body."
“The answer has more zeros than most calculators can display, yet every second, that mind-boggling number of chemical reactions takes place inside of you. Do you have to think to perform even one of those reactions? Many of us can't even balance our cheque books or remember more than seven items from our shopping lists, so it's fortunate for us that some intelligence smarter than our conscious mind is running the show. In that same second, 10 million of your cells died, and in the next instant, almost 10 million new cells took their place. The pancreas itself regenerates almost all its cells in one day. Recent calculations estimate that the communication between cells actually travels faster than the speed of light.â€
Just reading through the above, the first questions comes in mind, “Who manages all these functions?â€
For sure some intelligence is doing so, as we are not even minutely involved in the process? Then the question comes, if all these are done by something external from us, then are we grateful, thankful and are we really obliged for all this? Seeing the state of large part of humanity, it doesn’t seem so but a critical mass is understanding this very quickly. Lets see some of the research which has happen in the field of gratitude.
- Two Psychologists, Dr Robert A. Emmons of the University of California, Davis and Dr Michael E. McCullough of the University of Miami, have done much of the research on gratitude. In one study, they asked all participants to write a few sentences each week, focusing on particular topics. The first group wrote about things which they were grateful for that had occurred during the week whereas the second group wrote about their daily irritations and the third group about events which affected them, having neither positive or negative emphasis. After 10 weeks, the group which wrote about daily gratitude were more optimistic and felt better about their lives and did more exercise and had less visit to the physicians compare to other groups.
- Another study done by a leading researcher on Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, Dr Martin E.P. Seligman, showed a sudden and huge increase in happiness score, after doing a task which involved writing and personally delivering a letter of gratitude to someone who had never been properly thanked for his or her kindness.
- Another study showed, how expressing gratitude, resulted in improving the bonding in a couple relationship, and they felt more open to sharing their concerns with each other.
- Researchers at the Warton School at the University of Pennsylvania, found a 50 % more fundraising calls, an increased voluntary effort, from a section of employees which received a pep talk and gratitude from the Director of Annual Giving compare to the group who didn’t receive any such talk.
- In another study published in 2012 in Personality and Individual Differences, Grateful people experiences fewer aches and pain, and they report feeling healthier than other people.
- A huge body of research done by Dr Robert A. Emmons shows expressing gratitude effectively reduces depression and increases happiness.
There are thousands of such studies done over a period of time and all shows clearly the power of gratitude, giving and sharing. In the ancient tradition, it's believed that human beings are a miniature form of the Universe. If gratitude effects human being in such profound manners then imagine will not it be effecting the Universe too, as both are nothing but a field of energy?
Recent research in the area of the heart, done by Institute of Heartmath has given some phenomenal insights. Apart from its important function of merely pumping blood, the heart is a powerful organ capable of influencing and directing one’s emotions, morality and decision-making ability. The heart creates a most powerful electromagnetic energy field which goes out to several meters away from the body.
The heart also serves as a seat of our intuitive ability. The heart is the place where information first comes and then goes to the brain, hence many times you know the events which may take place in future. And the heart is the place where emotions of gratitude, joy, care, love, compassion are felt and which drives us to do work greater than our own self-interest.
Coming to the essence of the article, if a comparison is done, then you and me, will not be even a billionth fraction of a billionth fraction compare to Universe yet the entire Universe exist as if it is there to take care and nurture us with so much love and care. It fulfills all our needs and requirements and without expecting anything in return.
Now it’s the time, you make a choice, either to live with gratitude or not?
So, whom you are going to say "thank you" now?
Avinash Anand Singh
Speaker | Writer | Transformational Coach | He works in the area of connecting Science and Spirituality with the mission of “Helping people and organisation connect back to their Inner Genius to manifest their Greatnessâ€
To get more powerful insights, knowledge and tool to breakthrough, you may subscribe to his mailing list.
PS - To discover and live with the Laws of Universe, you may explore attending the powerful workshops happening on "Power of Subconscious Mind Mastery" and "Law of Attraction Mastery" in Pune (29-30 April), Bangalore (6-7 May), Delhi (13-14 may & 20-21 May) and Mumbai (27-28 May). More details here.
Learning and Organization Development Leader | Coaching - ICF, ACC | Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Belonging
7 å¹´Your articles are beautiful... You are such an inspiring soul.. Love the positivity you spread.. you are truly special and keep the good work going.. :)
I help professionals become indispensable at work so they can demand higher salaries and have fulfilling careers!
7 å¹´Amazing!!
Entrepreneur & Finance Enthusiast, Helping people to understand finance in a simple way. AMFI Registered IRDA Certified
7 å¹´Thank you so much for making us aware of the limitless things which universe is performing for us...we should really be grateful all the time..Thanks for writing and sharing ??????
Specialist Education Professional
7 å¹´Wonderful article Avinash. Salvation lies within!.
Co-Founder, President at Gyanadhara Foundation
7 å¹´Dear Avinash, appreciate the divine forces whih has chosen you to share such a profound truths, which all of us have taken it for granted, foget about know it . You have really hit upon tge points of collaboration and cooperations which our memers of the universe goes through is fantastic, and no words could ever describe it. Thanks for sharing. Truly we thank you for writing such a great article.