The Power of Getting 'Unstuck'
We all have things about ourselves that we’d like to change.
Just today, I received some candid feedback from a colleague about an area of my work that needed improvement.
But I didn't know how to start. Or the right path forward. Or if I would get it 'right'. I felt lost and overwhelmed and like it was all too hard. Like no matter what, I couldn't do it.
I was afraid and I let the fear drive; for a while.
It took my dear husband to help me get unstuck.
He let me talk through the issues. He helped me find a path towards change by listening to me work the problem out for myself; to ask rhetorical questions and open ended questions. To ask him his opinion about which way and option was better.
He held onto my confidence until I was ready to. Which eventually, I was.
When we successfully change any part of our lives, the excitement crowds out the fear.
And this excitement keeps us going - meaning we keep showing up, keeping improving. And this creates consistency. And this creates more change - demonstrating a reality where change is possible. This in turn inspires us and sometimes those around us, too!?
The inspiration also creates momentum. It creates a positive feedback loop and puts us in flow - ready to solve the next issue. And the next and the next.
And then rinse and repeat. You see where I’m going here...
Our change is no longer wishful thinking, or a dream, or a jackpot mentality. It is real.
And that change or experience can’t be taken away from us by anyone – ever.
Those are our experiences, memories, feelings, and bodily sensations. They can’t be truly shared, exchanged, given away, or lost. They contribute to the holistic development of our unique selves - as we rotate through the universe on this green and blue rock, we call home.
I think that’s pretty freakin’ special.
Go be that change you need, and know that you don't have to do it alone.