The Power of Forgiveness

The Power of Forgiveness

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you”?(Ephesians 4:32).

When we think about forgiveness it is easy to relate to the feeling of anger or resentment. Not only is this our natural instinct, but also the wrong approach.

Saint John Paul the II was able to show us how we should forgive those who have done the worst things imaginable to us. He tells us that forgiveness is not easy and does not come naturally. Rather we must use the love God gives to us and find it in our hearts to truly absolve others and ourselves of these burdens.

On May 13th, 1981, there was an attempt to take the life of Saint John Paul the II. He was in the middle of?lifting and blessing a child at St. Peter's Square in the Vatican when all of the sudden he was shot multiple times in the abdominal area by Mehmet?A?ca. Saint John Paul the II suffered severe blood loss and multiple wounds but nothing life threatening as the bullets barely missed vital organs. With the help of God's love, he was able to forgive A?ca for the attempt on his life. Saint John Paul meet with him several times and ultimately was responsible for his conversion to Catholicism.

Saint John Paul the II sets a perfect example for us as Catholics. Instead of succumbing to his natural instinct to resent?A?ca, Saint John Paul the II brought his woundedness to the Lord. By doing so the Lord was able to fill him with the graces and healing required in order to truly forgive?A?ca.

Article -?St. John Paul the II and his message on forgiveness

Article -?How St. John Paul II approached the sacrament of confession

Video - The story on the attempted murder of Pope John Paul II and how this event not only changed his life but also the assassinator.

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”

Luke 23:34

Jean-Francois Orsini

President AlexTest, LLC.- ESCP, Wharton MBA, Wharton Ph.D.

1 年

The power of Forgiveness is one of the virtues included in the Cardinal Virtue of Justice. It is promoted in the Cardinal Virtues based Personality Test for recruiting called AlexTest. Look it up at

Steve M.

1 年

Thats a man


So true. this is what we all need right now.


