The power of Food. Just eat healthy
Healthy is a necessity for happiness, only when you are healthy can you be truly happy. Respect yourself, you have been given the gift of life so why are you killing yourself? "Cancer, obesity , diabetes, allergies, chronic illnesses + mental health issues etc. are all exacerbated by eating and living unhealthy. Think of your body as a plant. Without sunlight and water, the plant slowly starts to die, withering and yellowing, eventually crumbling altogether. Your body needs fuel to survive. Not just whole foods, but rest, sleep, and your daily dose of happiness. Negativity promotes bad health. Stay away from things that are bent on destroying you." You are what you eat, natural healthy food is medicine. If you go to the doctors complaining about having a headache, the doctor will say take a aspirin/paracetamol and rest. Never really addressing the root cause of the problem: Lack of water, looking at a screen all day, not sleeping enough, poor diet, too much alcohol. Yet you didn't get a headache for lack of aspirin... Medicine is an industry as well as science. The human body is remarkable and is the only place we have to live. Our bodies are made up of skin, muscle, bones and organs. The organs are made of tissue, and those tissues are made of cells. So in essence we are just millions of cells, but those cells die out everyday, and have to be replaced everyday. So how do we replace them? How do we build new cells? The raw materials come from only one place, what we put in our mouths. If we put healthy nutritious food in our mouths we can make healthy cells. If we put bad food in our bodies, then we have raw materials that will make inferior cells, or sick cells that can make us sick. If you want to perform rubbish then eat rubbish, but don't feed rubbish food to your kids. You could make your kids unhealthy or sick. If you poison your body with toxins your body will become toxic and poisoned. You will endure illness as a result of your actions. Debunk the myth of food is food and do what is right before it is too late.