The power of focus
Mark Anthony Baker
The UK’s top Motivational Speaker and Business Storytelling Expert helping clients unlock potential and become Super Communicators
The power of Focus
With all of the negativity in the world at the moment there has never been a more important time to get control of your thoughts and direct your focus. In this short article I will share a little known secret that I have shared with audiences around the world that will change everything for you!
We have all heard the quote. What we focus on expands” It's another one of those clichés that sounds wonderful and inspirational, but we have absolutely no idea what It means.
Until now as this is where the saying that what we focus on expands begins to make sense as this is exactly what happens. However, we have also habitually conditioned ourselves to leave out the same information again and again so we simply will not see what we do not believe is meant for us. Or that which we perceive to be beyond our reach. This is where the concept of luck comes into play. We all know people who we believe are lucky people. But the truth is that luck has got nothing whatsoever to do with it. There is no such thing as luck. At least as far as the normal misconception that most people have about luck is concerned. Lucky people simply use their minds in a more effective way although they aren’t even aware of what they are doing at a conscious level. But what I am going to share with you now essentially leaves you free to create your own luck.
The secret lies in your ability to direct your thoughts and focus on what it is you want with emotion, belief and positive expectation. It’s not hard as you do this already with remarkable success and I can prove it to you with two examples that pretty much everyone here has experienced at some point in their lives. The difference now is that previously you have been unaware of the process. Therefore, you are unable to direct the function of mind consistently enough to get the results that you desire… Until now.
How many of you have ever bought a car and then noticed that suddenly you begin to see them everywhere.
Even though the day before these cars didn’t seem to exist for the most part. Yet today as if by magic everywhere you look you see them. As you drive down the road they are in the rear-view mirror. They are ahead of you. You see them parked on the side of the road and as you drive through the car park you keep seeing them. Not only that but when you picked up a newspaper or a magazine you saw them again. Even when you switched on the television you suddenly couldn't escape them as they now seem to be everywhere you look!. How can this even be possible.
What about this for the ladies who have been pregnant before. Now you know that I didn’t know you when you became pregnant. But I can tell you a conversation that I guarantee took place between you and your friends, your mother and your husbands or partners. And this is how the conversation went. You said. There must be a baby boom on now as everywhere I look I see pregnant women. Didn’t you. Well there hasn't been a baby boom since the end of world war two.
Is it magic? No, it's not magic you have simply activated something called your reticular activating system or your RAS for short. Your RAS is a net like group of cells situated at the base of your brain stem which acts as an information screening device. Much like any good secretary does every day to make sure their boss only gets to see that which is of value to him and nothing else. It simply admits or denies information to be accessed by you depending on whether it deems it important to you.. And who decides if it is important to you. You do. By what you choose to focus on and attach emotion to at any given moment. It will only allow information into your conscious field of awareness that is only either of value or a threat.
Mark Anthony Baker is an executive coach. Speaker and the author of “An Unbreakable Spirit”
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The UK’s top Motivational Speaker and Business Storytelling Expert helping clients unlock potential and become Super Communicators
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