The Power in Focus
By Taylor Johnston
The ability to focus at will. It’s a skill that takes year of devotion.
A truly disciplined person can focus their attention 100% in the activity at hand, then when time to switch activities, devote 100% of their attention onto the next activity, leaving all other activities prior or to come outside their mind.
“Concentrate all your thoughts on the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.” — Alexander Graham Bell
“The only trouble is that they do it about a great many things and I do it about one. If they took the time in question and applied it in one direction, to one object, they would succeed.” — Thomas Edison
“Your life is controlled by what you focus on” - Tony Robbins
If we really are children of God, then we have unlimited capability at our disposal by tapping into it. Our only real role is to believe, obey, focus, and work.?
What will it take to achieve this ability? Likely every bit of us, which is why so many will never achieve it.
But you know the names of the people who do achieve it.