The Power of a First Job: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Zenith Search Partners
Connecting high-impact contributors with companies looking for talent
There’s something about your first job that sticks with you. Whether it was an incredible experience, a complete disaster, or somewhere in between, that first step into the working world shapes who you become.
For me, my first job after college was a field Quality Assurance Engineer in the natural gas pipeline industry. I had never been to Mississippi or Pennsylvania but in my first year at that job, I spent a TON of time in the field.
Working alongside pipeline construction folks was… experience. In that first year as field engineer, I learned more about people than I had learned in my eighteen years as a full-time student. I learned how much I had in common with pipeline welders and construction hands. It was quite an education, and I loved my time in the field.
That was seven presidents ago.
Fast-forward to present: I recently placed a person who pivoted from a technical role to a sales role. It was one of those full-circle experiences. This person has travelled to new places and met people who at first glance seemed so very different. But she’s also learned how similar people are. And she’s learning skills that will serve her for decades to come.
That’s the beauty of a first job. It humbles you, teaches you, and (hopefully) sets you on a path for growth. Here’s what I’ve learned over the years about those early career experiences:
No matter where that first job lands on the spectrum, it’s a critical steppingstone. It builds skills, thickens skin, and shows you what kind of work truly excites you.
What was your first job like? Did it set the course for your career, or did it teach you what not to do? I’d love to hear your experiences—share them in the comments!