Power of Fear
Jim Boghos
Origination Valuation | Executive Search | Expert Recruiter | Recruiting | Mortgage Banking | Elite Recruiter, High-Caliber Clients | High-Quality Recruits
I am driven by fear. People who know me might find that hard to believe but truth is, I am fearful just like the next guy. The world has changed drastically. There are different types of fear. Today I'm writing about business fear. As an entrepreneur and business owner competing in 2018, I am not sure it gets much scarier. I am 51 years old and the landscape has changed immensely. Cell phones only came into the equation in my mid 20s. Around that time, I received my opportunity in this executive search business and went on to become a cold call ninja. Made 80 dials per day to reach 30 to find 10 interested in hearing more to find 5 people that were interested enough to talk to the company to find one to take the job. I worked on 7-10 assignments at a time in varying time zones. Can I tell you something? When I started in this business in 1993, that phone weighed 100 lbs. I was scared to death!
"You want me to do what? Let me get this straight...pick up the phone, call a stranger that is making 6 figures while I am on a $3000 per month draw, know nothing about the mortgage business and in a 20 minute call out of the blue (assuming I can get past the first 30 seconds) get them to tell me about their sales numbers in detail, explain their hopes and dreams and tell me what they make for income? Is that insane? What am I doing here? "
Fast forward 25 years to 2018 and I am so thankful for the early training I received from mentors that were brave enough to go ahead of me and learn a lucrative business that most would cringe at. I dug in, believed what they told me and found out very quickly that I had a knack for this. I learned that people actually WANT to hear from guys like me that are plugged in to the hidden job market. What I really learned in those early years and the philosophy I developed in life was simply this...everything I ever wanted resides on the other side of fear.
Today the business world continues to evolve in the online and technology space and while businesses like mine will always require human interaction and trusted relationships, the way we reach passive candidates has evolved. The power of the telephone will always be core to what we do but adapting to marketing online, various social media platforms, video, email marketing, etc. is imperative. I asked myself, why are others so far ahead on this and it occurred to me. FEAR. I allowed fear of the unknown to paralyze me and not adapt. I became the old "get off my lawn" guy. I have a facebook account like anyone else but I didn't know much about the online business and it became daunting to understand. It has required me to tap the brakes and really do a deep dive to learn more. Many times I need to hear the same information three or four times before I understand it. This has really come to light for me within the last year.
I am very proud to announce that this month we are launching our new branding, Verity Search. You will definitely notice us. You will see us online actively building new partnerships and relationships. Please stop and interact with us. We would love to hear from you. Don't be surprised to receive an email from us as we have markedly built our database over the last 12 months. I have realized again that fear cannot enter into the equation if trying to break new ground. If we don't adapt and evolve with the world around us, we will soon become dinosaurs and we want to remain relevant.
Most of what we desire resides on the other side of fear.