Power Factor Correction
KVAR manufactures over 700 Unique KVAR Energy Controllers, as well as Commercial-Off-The-Shelf KVAR Energy Controllers. The ability to customize KVAR Energy Controllers results in the best possible level of savings for individual motor loads and panels allowing guaranteed savings ranging from 6-25%.
Power factor is an indicator of how much of a power system’s capacity is available for productive work. Read as a percentage, the closer a system or motor’s power factor is to 1.0 or 100%, the more efficient the system is. Having a low power factor is undesirable because it increases a load on a building’s electrical system, and puts excess strain on the utility company providing the power.
To encourage customers to reduce their use of reactive power, or to optimize power factor, many utility companies have introduced reactive power charges, also known as power factor penalties. In most cases, medium to large size commercial customers are billed extra for having a low power factor such as when their power factor, or efficiency level, is less than 95 percent.
A facility subject to power factor penalties, with a significant number of induction motors typically has different options. Sometimes, the problem is solved by purchasing new, properly-sized, premium efficiency motors. Other cases might require variable frequency drive (VFD) induction motors, rotary condensors, or other dynamic volt ampere reactive (VAR) devices.
KVAR Energy Savings takes pride in being able to provide the most cost effective, proven solutions possible, which is properly sized, in real time, at the customer’s loads and or panels for the exact amount of capacitance required to optimize the power factor of such loads, to unity, or 100% efficiency. KVAR’s proven approach to energy efficiency can eliminate penalties, while providing additional savings and other benefits to the customer’s infrastructure, along with the best pay back period in the industry, typically around 36 months or less. In fact, most of KVAR’s customers realize savings ranging from 6-25% of their cost to operate individual pumps and motors regardless of whether or not they face reactive power penalties.
Industrials Units – Expected savings 6% – 25%
Whether you are in the food and beverage, pulp and paper, automotive, metals and mining, refinery, chemical, waste water management or other industry sectors that use inductive motors, you will realize power bill savings ranging from 6% to 25%. In some cases, you may get even higher levels of savings.
We know because we have customers that have totally eliminated their demand charges, thereby significantly improving their bottom line.
Here’s what we’ll need from you to get started:
- A list of all motors that are considered for optimization
- Plant distribution one-line diagrams and other pertinent infrastructure information
- Minimum 1 Year’s worth of electricity bills in order to review billing structure and tariffs
We will send a qualified electrician and technician team to conduct an initial field survey on your motor loads. They’ll verify harmonics compliance, determine KVAR EC? requirements, prepare an estimated level of savings/payback report and provide a commercial proposal for your consideration. Industrial electric grid distribution improvements start with PF optimization.
KVAR is the only corporation that owns the patent on the sizing apparatus and procedure required to effectively optimize Power Factor (PF) to unity (1.0 PF). We optimize motors of all sizes with up to 600 volts service.
Commercial Units– Expected savings 6% – 17%
KVAR manufactures over 700 Unique KVAR Energy Controllers, as well as Commercial-Off-The-Shelf KVAR Energy Controllers. The ability to customize KVAR Energy Controllers results in the best possible level of savings for individual motor loads and panels allowing guaranteed savings ranging from 6-25%.
Power factor is an indicator of how much of a power system’s capacity is available for productive work. Read as a percentage, the closer a system or motor’s power factor is to 1.0 or 100%, the more efficient the system is. Having a low power factor is undesirable because it increases a load on a building’s electrical system, and puts excess strain on the utility company providing the power.
To encourage customers to reduce their use of reactive power, or to optimize power factor, many utility companies have introduced reactive power charges, also known as power factor penalties. In most cases, medium to large size commercial customers are billed extra for having a low power factor such as when their power factor, or efficiency level, is less than 95 percent.
A facility subject to power factor penalties, with a significant number of induction motors typically has different options. Sometimes, the problem is solved by purchasing new, properly-sized, premium efficiency motors. Other cases might require variable frequency drive (VFD) induction motors, rotary condensors, or other dynamic volt ampere reactive (VAR) devices.
KVAR Energy Savings takes pride in being able to provide the most cost effective, proven solutions possible, which is properly sized, in real time, at the customer’s loads and or panels for the exact amount of capacitance required to optimize the power factor of such loads, to unity, or 100% efficiency. KVAR’s proven approach to energy efficiency can eliminate penalties, while providing additional savings and other benefits to the customer’s infrastructure, along with the best pay back period in the industry, typically around 36 months or less. In fact, most of KVAR’s customers realize savings ranging from 6-25% of their cost to operate individual pumps and motors regardless of whether or not they face reactive power penalties.
Industrials Units – Expected savings 6% – 25%
Whether you are in the food and beverage, pulp and paper, automotive, metals and mining, refinery, chemical, waste water management or other industry sectors that use inductive motors, you will realize power bill savings ranging from 6% to 25%. In some cases, you may get even higher levels of savings.
We know because we have customers that have totally eliminated their demand charges, thereby significantly improving their bottom line.
Here’s what we’ll need from you to get started:
- A list of all motors that are considered for optimization
- Plant distribution one-line diagrams and other pertinent infrastructure information
- Minimum 1 Year’s worth of electricity bills in order to review billing structure and tariffs
We will send a qualified electrician and technician team to conduct an initial field survey on your motor loads. They’ll verify harmonics compliance, determine KVAR EC? requirements, prepare an estimated level of savings/payback report and provide a commercial proposal for your consideration. Industrial electric grid distribution improvements start with PF optimization.
KVAR is the only corporation that owns the patent on the sizing apparatus and procedure required to effectively optimize Power Factor (PF) to unity (1.0 PF). We optimize motors of all sizes with up to 600 volts service.
Commercial Units– Expected savings 6% – 17%
Savings from the use of KVAR ECs? commercial units will vary from 6% to 17% of your electric power bill. Some KVAR ECs? equipped facilities provide even greater levels of demand and energy savings. In fact, the simple payback of your investment in KVAR ECs? typically ranges from 6 months to 3 years. Our KVAR EC?s will work wonders on rooftop air conditioning systems, water pumps, fans and inductive motors of sizes.
Before our KVAR Distributors undertake the on-site survey required to determine the reactive component sizing of individual motors, they typically require one-line diagrams and motor time-of-use and infrastructure details.
The KVAR Survey is conducted by qualified electricians using our patent protected sizing apparatus. We conduct sizing of motors to determine reactive load requirements, so we may optimize individual motor loads or facilities loads for unity Power Factor (PF). Once you’ve reached unity (1.0 PF) you’re optimized. Upon completion of the KVAR Survey, the sizing sheets are sent to our manufacturing facilities in Daytona Beach, Florida for processing and fabrication.
Most of our deployed commercial KVAR ECs? are custom made to meet the specific reactive load requirements of each motor, bus or panel.
Our custom built power factor optimizing devices are then manufactured, tested and shipped to customers. KVAR Distributors arrange for the electricians to install, test and commission the KVAR ECs?. Once in service, commercial customers start saving energy immediately.
Here’s what we’ll need from you to get started:
- A list of all motors that are considered for optimization
- Plant distribution one-line diagrams and other pertinent infrastructure information
- Minimum 1 Year’s worth of electricity bills in order to review billing structure and tariffs
We offer green, certified and money back guarantee KVAR Energy Controllers
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions about our Power Factor Correction program, your electricity and/or natural gas bills. I can be reached at 732 202-2926 ext. 2002; (973) 332-2678 or [email protected].
Visit https://www.gridedge.co/ for information on our distributed energy generation Program.
Visit https://www.advisorsplp.com/ for information on our Peak Load Program.
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