Power to face life's challenges

Power to face life's challenges

Challenges in day-to-day life - sentence seems familiar for all of us; Everyone has a set of challenges & obstacles in their life and differs from each other, What looks so difficult for me seems to be more easy for somebody. Best Way is to always stay clam while thinking for the solution, sometimes it may not possible but try to be it will lead to better results. Always keep a smile on your face either real or fake, it shows others that we strong enough to deal with it and ultimately boost our mind to deal with the bad situation.

If you feel so low, hear best motivational song you like. If you like to hear any song either romantic or beat full, just unlock the phone, plug the headset, play the song -you will definitely feel the relaxation. (Research has shown that listening to music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory.) Take some patience. Everything goes normal with time. You don’t have to rush all the time. Taking patience is a good thing to do, then to wait.

Never give up. By never giving up you are boosting up your confidence. If you are willing to accomplish a task then there comes challenges, you need confidence and the strong sense of never giving up attitude to with it. Hard work. Without working you can’t accomplish things. To get anything we need to work, and there should be hard work if it is needed. We humans are procrastinators, and don’t want to end up with comfort zone and start working hard. While the bitter reality is without work no chance!

Don’t give a damn to people. Yes, I remember that quote which said, “I don’t know the formula to success but the formula to failure is trying to make everyone happy”. In the human community, humans having the greatest potential to think, thoughts and beliefs varies in person to person. You can’t always think about everybody’s happiness. There is you before them. So, don’t give a fuck to people, what they think and what they tell is up to them, you just move on for the challenges.

Self inquiry and self love. Most of us don’t know how to love the self because we forget to take care about ourselves. Being so much busy in the life, we forget to talk with ourselves. Separate times in life to do some self inquiry and self love. You can know what you have to do at the right time, answers are within you. I know life is going to happen. I wake up every morning and I know that something is going to happen. Whether its good, or bad, it's going to happen. Sounds like common sense right? It's shockingly not. For some reason we're still all caught off guard when something happens.

How amazing would it be if you just knew something was going to happen? Well, guess what, anything can, and will, happen, every single day. Accept that. Accept that it may be bad, it may be good and you can't really do much about it except work hard, be honest and live your life. What you can control though, which is at the root of your question, is your positive outlook. Your ability to react and handle stress, as it comes, your ability to effectively manage your time and your emotions so you can handle these things when they compound and pile up on you.

You can manage to smile when you're alone in the dark, not because anyone can see it but because a smile is an essential requirement of everything we do in this world. Next time you're alone, at night, smile. Go to bed thinking of something truly funny and just smile. You can only smile sometimes, even when life sucks. The key is to remember that, every single day. If I have to be blunt here, this is the question which is running the whole world and which is hurting every single person in this world.

I remember many a times {I still do} loose my cool when I am confronted with some of the problems that you mentioned. But, one thing that I have observed clearly is that I never repeated the mistake of getting furious when I face the problem for the first time. Very few lucky individuals having the natural power of dealing with them on the first shot itself. But, we generally speak about what the majority of the population do. So, if one can slowly mature with everyday, he/she is moving in the right direction. What kind of attitude should one have to deal with the challenges life throws at you, and the best way to get past it ?

One should be ready to accept the simple fact that every single day life will continue to throw new set of challenges. It does not matter whether you are rich/poor , beautiful/ugly etc.. {I am saying this because as a kid I was told that if you get materially rich, most of your problems are solved...This is the biggest false image that is being propagated }Get ready to fail on the first count. Not everyone would be as lucky as ISRO to get their mission successful on the very first count. But, also at the same time, try to learn as much as possible so that you will not repeat the same mistake again.

Meditation : This is the key to develop patience and the most cost effective way as well. After committing a mistake, we always end up thinking why could not I maintain my cool in that particular instant. It could helped me in saving the day. Unfortunately, I messed it up all. Don't worry, these kind of things happen. Reduce expectations from others : Again, most of the time we are forced to encounter issues in life because we expect certain set of things from certain people. While one cannot completely avoid it, one can definitely try to reduce it. Cheers!


