Power Experience | Step 4 Hackathon
Now that you've become the heavy weight champion of your firm on Power Platform, you are ready for an ice cold beverage. Drink responsibly, Friends.
As you may recall, because - come on, we're covering some serious ground here Copernicus. The Power Experience, and preceding deep dives, Step 1,? Step 2, and Step 3, have brought our wagons together to chat through what we can do to bring low-code to our organizations.
Keeping in mind, the end goal here is none other than…. World domination…. mmwwahaha. Also not true. We will however think through how to respond to this smokin' list of use cases we've built with our Power Team and super users during the In a Day sessions.
The Power Experience | Step 4 | Hackathon
As mentioned previously…
We build on the envisioning session and take the top 1 or 2 use cases into a deeper dive?hackathon?where the Power Team, led by their selected Microsoft and Partner experts, jump into a teaching and hands on keyboard session to solve pressing issues to the?Enterprise.
We pair with a Microsoft Partner and Microsoft Resources to facilitate the hack. We can hold sessions at one of our Microsoft Technology Centers, hybrid at your office, or virtual - a great fit for global teams.
Getting set up - as mentioned in Step 3
Use Case selection
We don't want to boil the ocean or bite off more than we can chew or something about a bull and a glass of scotch? Nope that's not right either. Regardless - we want to pick use cases that result in a good single or double or Bs get degrees or …. You get it.
We don't want to pick something too complicated that doesn't set our teams up for success. Working with our Partners and Microsoft Resources on the prep sessions will help determine what will be attainable during the session.
Hackathon Teams
We've had a blast at hackathons when firms bring teams from multiple divisions for some good lighthearted competition. Imagine going up against your colleagues for the chance to present your app, bot, or flow to the senior executives of the company. We can also play referee to ensure a fair bout.
Each team will work with one of our experts to identify what it will take to bring their use cases to life. Scoring can be customized however, historically, we use categories such as…
We usually have the Partner and Microsoft Resources do real time scoring and present the finalist to the executive team for the final round of competition.
Following the hackathon, we'll hold a look back session on what went well and where we can learn. We'll also start preparing for Step 5 | Proof of Concept.
Stay tuned!
I haven’t had a chance to view the previous videos, but I still hope to. I would like to lead my organization to the land of low-code.