The Power of Empathy to Boost Sales
By Max Cates, Author of the sales management book, Serve, Lead Succeed!
Empathy is one of the sales manager's most valuable assets. The ability to understand and identify with others can amplify a leader's ability to lead while also increasing the sales team's productivity by improving customer alignment. Some have empathy naturally, some don't. The important thing is this: Empathy can be learned. Here's a synopsis of how to teach it to your reps.
1. First, as a sales leader, be a role model of empathy to your reps. Empathetic leaders create empathetic sales people
2. Encourage your reps to mirror their customers' body language
3. Urge reps to be a body language detective. Watch customers' body language
3. Demonstrate how to listen intently, without interrupting
4. Teach them to spot commonalities and points of customers' interest such as pictures and memorabilia in the customer's office...Looking for such environmental cues, again, helps reps get outside themselves to understand their customers.
5. Help them imagine being in the customer's shoes
6. Affirm others’ feelings with statements like, “I would be angry about it too.†Or “I know how frustrating that is.†Validating customers' sentiments can turn potentially unpleasant situations into a bonding experience with the customer.?
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