The Power of eLearning Platforms for  Corporate Capacity Development

The Power of eLearning Platforms for Corporate Capacity Development


In recent years, eLearning platforms have become increasingly popular in the corporate world. This trend has been driven by several factors, including the need for organisations to provide cost-effective and flexible training solutions for their employees. The power of eLearning platforms for corporate capacity development is undeniable. In today’s digital era, businesses are gradually turning to eLearning platforms to help them develop their employees’ skills and knowledge. eLearning platforms offer a range of benefits that can help businesses improve their overall performance and increase their competitive edge. In Africa, the power of eLearning platforms for corporate capacity development has been demonstrated through numerous studies and research reports. In this article, we will review some key research that supports the use of eLearning platforms for corporate training and capacity building.

Capacity Building and E-Learning Platforms Under Review

Capacity development refers to the process of creating competencies and capacities in people, groups, organisations, sectors, or nations that result in persistent and self-generating performance improvement (AusAID, 2004). The process of building capacity is ongoing and long-term rather than a one-time thing or a quick remedy. The skills, expertise, and resources needed to carry out sustainable development must be formed and maintained. The capacity-building process is customised to the unique requirements and situations of the individuals, and the organisation involved. Organisational development, technical assistance, coaching, and mentorship are some of the more formal methods used in capacity building. With coaching and mentoring, staff are matched with more seasoned mentors or coaches who can offer direction, support, and criticism. To help the staff or organisations overcome certain obstacles or realise a particular objective, technical assistance entails offering them specialised knowledge and support. To facilitate long-term capacity development, organisations must upgrade their processes, policies, and structures to include use of an eLearning platform.

On one hand, E-learning, commonly referred to as electronic learning, is the process of delivering educational materials and training courses using electronic technology. This includes online courses, webinars, virtual classrooms, and other digital tools that let students use internet-connected devices to access educational information whenever and wherever they choose. The advent of digital aids and video conferencing tools like Zoom and Microsoft Teams has further enhanced the functionality of e-learning. Learners can now participate in virtual classrooms, engage with instructors and peers, and collaborate on projects in real time. These tools have also enabled educators to deliver high-quality, interactive online courses that are engaging and effective.

On the other hand, a digital platform or software program that offers access to educational tools and information is what is known as an e-learning platform. To make the learning process easier, it could have features like course administration, student monitoring, and communication tools. Among other well-known eLearning systems, there are Moodle, Blackboard, Canvas, Edmodo etc. eLearning platforms are accessible on multiple devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This means that learners can access educational content and training programs from anywhere, at any time, and on any device, making it easy to learn on the go or from the comfort of one's own home.

Role of eLearning Platforms for Corporate Capacity Development

eLearning has emerged as a powerful tool for capacity development for several business sizes including SMEs, MSMEs and large corporate institutions. ?According to Bolger (2000), eLearning gives people the opportunity to learn new skills, such as leadership, management, and interpersonal communication, which helps increase the capacity of both individuals and organisations, especially in developing nations.

Bolger (2000) argues that eLearning can help overcome the limitations of traditional classroom-based training, including geographical and time constraints. By leveraging technology, eLearning can provide access to high-quality training at a lower cost and a faster pace. Moreover, e-learning can be tailored to the specific needs of learners, providing personalised learning experiences that can enhance their motivation and engagement.

Bolger (2000)'s argument that eLearning can help overcome the limitations of traditional classroom-based training is well-founded. eLearning can provide access to high-quality training at a lower cost and faster pace while also being tailored to the specific needs of learners. As technology continues to advance, it is likely that eLearning will become an even more important tool in the delivery of education and training.

There is no doubt that eLearning has become an increasingly useful tool for organisations to develop the competencies and capabilities of their workforce and enhance their performance. As such, eLearning has the potential to contribute significantly to achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) and promoting inclusive and equitable growth (ITU, 2017).

Effectiveness of eLearning Platforms

Numerous studies have explored the effectiveness of e-learning platforms for corporate capacity development. For example, a study by Mohammed Alshurideh, published in the International Journal of Economics, Commerce, and Management, found that eLearning had a positive impact on employees' performance in the banking sector in Jordan. Specifically, the study found that the use of eLearning platform led to improved knowledge and skills, and enhanced customer satisfaction and motivation.

Similarly, a study by Khaled M. Alhomoud, published in the Journal of Organisational Learning and Leadership, found that e-learning had a positive impact on organisational performance in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Another study by Belal Abu Irshaids, published in the International Journal of Business and Social Science, found that e-learning was an effective way to improve employee performance in Jordanian private organisations.

Jacqueline Wong and Michael L. Ohlson, in a study published in the Journal of Education and Practice, found that e-learning was an effective way to improve workplace performance and productivity.

Finally, a study by Florence W. K. Chee and Simon K. S. Cheung, published in the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, found that e-learning was an effective way to increase employee acceptance and utilisation of training programs.

Benefits of eLearning Platforms for Corporate Capacity Development

E-learning platforms provide a flexible and cost-effective way to build the capacity of employees. Traditional training methods, such as classroom-based training, can be time-consuming and expensive, particularly when it comes to large organisations with a geographically dispersed workforce. E-learning platforms, on the other hand, can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, making them ideal for organisations or businesses with tight work schedules and employees in several locations.

E-learning platforms also provide users with a personalised learning experience. Employees can learn at their own pace and select courses most relevant to their job roles. This helps to ensure that the training is more effective, as employees are more likely to engage with the material when it is directly relevant to their work.

E-learning platforms can also help organisations track the progress of their employees. This can be done through analytic tools, which provide insights into how employees engage with the training materials or content. This information can be used to identify areas where employees may be struggling, as well as to track the overall effectiveness of the training program.

Challenges of eLearning Platforms for Corporate Capacity Development

While there are many benefits associated with the use of e-learning platforms for corporate capacity development, there are also some challenges that must be addressed for successful use and effectiveness.

  • Reliance on the Internet: Reliance on the Internet is one of the main problems with eLearning. A solid internet connection is essential for eLearning; thus, any disruption or sluggish connections might be problematic for learners. This may result in frustration, decreased productivity, and a poor learning environment. Additionally, e-learning is difficult to access in places with bad internet connectivity, which is a disadvantage to learners who do not have access to the internet.
  • ?Lack of social interaction and isolation: The decrease in one-on-one interactions is another difficulty with eLearning. In conventional learning settings, learners can ask questions in person, engage with other learners and trainers, and get prompt answers. However, with eLearning this engagement is restricted to online forums, chat rooms, and virtual classrooms. Some learners may find this lack of face-to-face connection difficult, especially those who benefit from individualised attention or who have difficulties with motivation and self-direction.
  • The difficulty it presents non-tech-savvy people of generations: For those who are not tech adept, especially those from older generations, using eLearning platforms might be challenging. For those who are not comfortable with technology, using many eLearning platforms and tools that demand a certain amount of technical skill might be challenging. This may make it difficult for some learners to participate completely in eLearning and raise entry barriers for them. This problem is made worse by the fact that not all learners have access to the tools and technology needed for online learning.

Key Considerations for Selecting eLearning Platforms for Corporate Capacity Development

In selecting an eLearning platform for capacity building, corporate institutions need to take into consideration how user-friendly the platform is, to enable employees to navigate easily through the platform and content material without becoming frustrated or overwhelmed by its complexity. Additionally, there is a need to ensure that chosen platforms have adequate security measures in place to ensure confidential information remains secure at all times. Finally, there is also the need to ensure that chosen platforms provide adequate support for users and ensure any technical issues can be quickly resolved as and when they arise.


In today’s digital era, eLearning platforms are becoming a fast-growing choice for providing capacity building. Businesses that want to reduce the cost of capacity building whilst ensuring effective skill and knowledge acquisition for their employees must embrace the use of eLearning platforms. eLearning platforms offer a flexible, cost-effective, personalised, and effective way to provide capacity development. Studies have shown that e-learning can improve employee performance, organisational outcomes, and increase employee acceptance and utilisation of training programs. Businesses and corporate institutions that invest in eLearning platforms are likely to see a positive impact on their bottom line and stay ahead of their competitors in today's fast-paced business environment.

Article by:

By Godfred Kojo Addo

eLearning Manager – Adansonia

About The CDC Group's Learning Platform – Adansonia

Adansonia is an innovative e-learning platform that offers capacity-building services to clients across various sectors. The platform is owned and operated by The CDC Group. The platform's primary aim is to help clients develop essential skills and knowledge to succeed in their respective fields. With a wide range of courses available, Adansonia provides clients with the flexibility and convenience to learn at their own pace, from anywhere in the world.

Adansonia is user-friendly and easy to navigate, affording users the ability to browse courses by topic or search for specific courses using keywords. To learn more about Adansonia and the courses available, please visit the website at


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