The Power of Door-to-Door Sales
Troy Saddler
Facilitator of Incredible Connections Between Engineering/Executive Professionals & Excellent Organizations
I learned a valuable lesson about sowing seeds recently. It came by way of a Cogeco neighbourhood marketing representative that stopped by my house a few months back. He had natural charisma and a calm demeanour. He was young, in his early to mid 20’s, but handled himself like a seasoned professional. I did not agree to use their service that day, but I took his pamphlet, and we parted ways.
Shortly thereafter & ironically enough, I started having issues with my Bell service. Nothing technically related but concerning the level of customer service I was receiving. Specifically, it was their inability to capture my needs and provide the appropriate service.
As I stepped outside tonight to put my recycling bins by the curb, I noticed a Bell Pamphlet hanging on my porch door. I then remembered my last conversation with a Bell representative where I was asked whether it was a Cogeco door salesman who had introduced the service to me. Kudos to Bell for their attempt to join the door-to-door sales wave in my area, albeit too late, it was good to see them respond to the competition.
Even though I didn’t commit in the moment, the salesman from Cogeco did a great job. He may not have converted me into a customer that day, but the groundwork was done. Let’s balance this out – my decision to leave Bell had more to do with my frustrations with their service then the skills of a good salesman. It is for certain however that I wouldn’t have considered reaching out to Cogeco had it not been for a positive interaction with their representative. Timing and positioning are key to everything.
The work that I do as a Recruiter is all towards the future. If I make 20 calls in a day, 1 or 2 of those calls might lead to another call and some sort of interaction with a customer. The rest are seeds planted towards the future, hoping that those positive encounters will convert that prospect into a placement or that company into a client some day. A good reminder that your labour is not in vain.
(I had to add salt to Bell’s wound by returning their modem in a Cogeco box…………it was a perfect fit ??