The Power of Discipline
There are many things that compete for our time on a daily basis. We have a insurmountable number of deadlines due now that should have already been completed. Thru a lack of discipline, they got shuffled into a pile of later. Later, by the way, just became now This stack has become larger while we rush around in an effort to stay on top of everything else that really has nothing to do with our success. These time wasters rob us of our ability to do more with what we have. The mediocre results many face is as a result of doing activities that lead them around in a circle without ever reaching a destination. One of the best ways to confront and change the narrative is by recognizing and focusing on our discipline.
Do you remember growing up the number of times telling your parents or other family member how ready you were to grow up and embark on your own? You would have the freedom to make your own decisions and live your life any way you saw fit. I remember how my parents used to say that is great as long as I accept that I would also have to deal with the resulting consequences. Sure, I could stay up as late as I wanted but needed to accept the fact that I had to get up the next day to go to work. Yes, I could miss work but how long would that last before the boss transitioned to someone else. The power of our choices are huge and the best way to experience the best outcomes is thru our discipline. One of the ongoing challenges we face is the discipline of doing what has to be done prior to doing what we would like to do. For some, the intention is to follow that path, yet it is a daily struggle. Consider some of the choices
I should go to the gym but my program is coming on and it is a 2 hour season ending special.
I should plan for tomorrow but I am so ready to get out of here for the day.
I really should tackle this project now but it can wait until tomorrow.
I should read but I really don't feel like it.
All of us fall to this temptation at some point. It doesn't make us bad nor does it have an imediate effect. However, over time, failure to do things when you have to rather than simply when you want to will have an adverse impact on our potential success. Consider some of the charcteristics of discipline, keeping in mind how well you handle each.
Discipline is the determination to keep going when the going is tough.
A decision you make (and carry out) to do something and see it thru to completion.
To handle an assignment in a consistent fashion
To stay on track and do what is right
Managing time in the most effective way
Staying focused and on course until completion of the task.
So, how do we improve our level of discipline.
There are several ways to address our level of discipline. There is not a one size fits all as there are several triggers that motivate us individually. Below are a few ideas to consider towards improving your self discipline.
- Remove Temptations: Are you easily distracted? Is there too much around you that can distract or delay your efforts? Remove any impediment that will cause you to stop mid project. For many of us, it is moving our phone. Each time we hear the click of a new email or text, we feel the need to address it right then. Whatever it is, remove from sight, while you are working on what is in front of you. The fewer distractions you have clears the pthway towards focusing on the task at hand.
- Change perception about willpower: Remove the limiting self talk you may have about where you are; Unfortunately, may people have a negative impression on themselves and feel they are not worthy for an improved situation. Half the battle is in our mind. Brian Tracy said it best in one of his best selling books, "Believe It To Achieve It." Letting go of negative thoughts goes a long way to set up a clear pathway towards accomplishing anything you desire.
- Focus: A popular acronym attached to focus is a clear call to action. Follow One Course Until Successful. The challenge is that we have numerous requests of our time. It is easy to get stretched out where we attempt to balance several things at once. The problem is that a lack of sole focus impacts the quality of the work or the completion of it. A technique that has proven to be successful is to prioritize your list of things to do. Highlight the top 3 and work singular on each until you complete them. By doing this, you have completed, while you are the freshest, the top items first thing. This builds confidence and a greater sense of accomplishment.
- Forgive Yourself and Move Forward: If you are not failing, you will never move forward. John Maxwell wrote a book entitled "Fail Forward" Use the shortcomings of the results to propel you towards even better results in the future. Each set back is a lesson and not a litigation. We look at people like Thomas Edison and Abraham Lincoln as successful examples. Edison had over 1000 failed experiments prior to inventing the lightbulb. Lincoln, prior to becoming a US President lost many previous elections, went thru bankruptcy, and experienced a nervous break-down.
An improvement in discipline is a continous evolution. It requires regular practice and participation. Most importantly, it is in our grasp to achieve and master. It begins with a decision and commitment to stand ready to develop a new habit. It is an acceptance to ourselves that it is our responsibility to accept and embark upon these needed changes. Following a few new steps will serve as a guide but is not an end all. Some habits work better than others but that is for you to decide. There is greatness within all of us and begins in how we set about doing what needs to be done. Start within and determine what you want to achieve. Use the power of Discipline to move you in that direction until you can say d Well Done at what has been accomplished.