Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash


"You cannot kill a breeze, a wind, a fragrance; You cannot kill a dream or an ambition" Michel Onfray

Desire is the motivating force that runs the world. It can stem from deception or from success that can't wait to be renewed. It starts from a mental image and evolves into an actionable plan. We want to build a path to greater things. We strive to do the best we can to change our circumstances. We dream of miracles that would turn everything around, solving what we can't bear being around.

We live in a time where most of us can't fathom what is happening. We feel lost, uncertain, wondering where all of this is going to take us. The desires we may have had just a few days ago are now gone. They seem frivolous, unimportant and they now have drastically shifted.

We are told that in order to be happy, we need to live "in the moment". Yet, right now, it's almost impossible to not think forward, dreaming of what is to come.

We want to see our dreams come true. Yet, right now, we are afraid to even let them flirt with our mind. It is easier to ignore them so that we don't fool ourselves into believing in something we are afraid could never happen again.

Spiritual teacher Deepak Chopra said "The ultimate state of awareness is unity consciousness, where everything happens so automatically that the person isn't even aware of making a choice. A desire is immediately following by its fulfillment". Not quite true right now. We may have desires of experiencing the freedom we used to have, yet we are forced to wait to discover our destinies.


The crisis we are in is the perfect opportunity to expand the consciousness of our own self and of our desires to grant them the power they would need to become reality. We suddenly have time to understand who we are in our deepest layers.

What is our purpose? What does truly matter? Mind through body. Body through mind. The ultimate point is where they mesh together, building that enhanced perception that could change it all, painting a flawless picture of our future.

In times of chaos, our focus tends to be directed towards external events that shape our daily awareness. They blur our vision of a clear future, inciting doubt, fear, and questioning. Such times stir previously established convictions about who we had become, our duties to our communities, our jobs, our families and ourselves.

We are now forced to reinvent ourselves to fit circumstances thrown at our face, as we draw our route in a newly designed maze. Our concern for national prosperity shifts to one of individual salvation, from focus on particular groups to concern for every human.

Times of deep societal, economic, cultural and religious challenges stir emotions, fears, insecurities, doubts, goals and our ultimate desires. They defy our already challenged self-esteem as we are forced to reevaluate the certainties we had built over the years.

It is time to take care of ourselves, our true selves, our real selves.

It is time to shift the focus within so we can, despite external pressures, establish a clear view of our constantly evolving setting. It is this time "out to in" not "in to out". Could this be a great opportunity to find out what we were sent on this earth to do? After all, now is a great time for introspection.

We may be forced to build new habits to maintain some type of focus, even if it feels delusional. We may have to deliberately craft new ways to feel good about ourselves and our surroundings.

A positive mind is our most powerful asset. It is also the recipe to ignite our hidden desires. What a perfect time to discover them!

To your successful self discovery,


P.S.: This is an extract from my book "TRANSCENDANCE or How to Live an Enlightened Life in a Revolutionary Era" Written in 2017. I am offering it for free during this challenging time. Click here to download the PDF.

The book is also available on Kindle and Paperback here.


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