The Power of Data: How Health Information Professionals are Shaping Healthcare's Future
Nicholas Wyatt, RHIA, LSSGB, CSM
A Knowledgeable and Skillful Healthcare Professional, Focused on Innovation.
In January 2023, The Commonwealth Fund highlighted a troubling reality: while the US healthcare system spends more per citizen on healthcare than any other nation, it delivers subpar patient health outcomes. This discrepancy can be attributed to outdated administrative and reimbursement support systems, which have not kept pace with advancements in medicine and technology. In response, the concept of value-based care has emerged, aiming to prioritize wellness over disease treatment, incentivize quality outcomes, and replace traditional fee-for-service models with at-risk, value-based contracts.
The Journey to Value-Based Care
The shift away from fee-for-service models towards value-based care has been an ongoing process for nearly five decades. Several innovative payment models, such as the Pioneer and Next Generation Accountable Care Organization (ACO) models, Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Initiative, and direct contracting, have emerged to steer the transformation. These advancements have opened new avenues for health information professionals, presenting opportunities for career growth and improved healthcare experiences for patients.
CMS' Ambitious Goals for Value-Based Care
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have set forth ambitious goals to ensure that by 2030, all traditional Medicare and a vast majority of Medicaid beneficiaries will be treated under a value-based care model. Although these goals may seem challenging, they are achievable with strategic guidance and support from Health Information professionals.
Three Key Factors Shaping the Future of Value-Based Care
Securing a Space in Healthcare
To maximize career growth opportunities in value-based care, Health Information professionals must take proactive steps:
The journey towards value-based care is transformative, and health information professionals have a crucial role to play. By securing their space in healthcare, Health Information professionals can help shape the future of healthcare, improve patient outcomes, and drive the success of value-based care initiatives for years to come. Their expertise in regulatory compliance, data usability, and health IT will be essential in achieving CMS' ambitious goals and optimizing the potential of value-based care.
by Nicholas Wyatt, RHIA, LSSGB, CRCR
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