Ricardo P. Deveaux, M.Sc, C.D, L.H.D
Deputy Permanent Secretary at Bahamas Ministry of Education & Technical & Vocational Training and President & CEO at The Bahamas Primary School Student of the Year Foundation
Thanks to Bridgette Francis, Chairman of the The Oscar Francis International Education and Sports Christian Garden, Oakes Field, The Bahamas Primary School Student of the Year Foundation was afforded an opportunity to meet with Dr. Ludmi Herath, Director of International Programs of the University of Houston - Victoria.
Mr. N.Vandyke Pratt, Foundation Chairman and I met with Dr. Herath to discuss possible opportunities for outstanding students in The Bahamas to benefit from college experiences in the USA. We also had an opportunity to present the work that we are undertaking in The Bahamas with the Bahamas Primary School Student of the Year Awards Program.
Through this power of connections, we are hoping to strengthen our collaborations to assist more outstanding Bahamians in their quest for higher education.
Joining us was former Student of the Year Nominee Tanya Kelly