The Power of Connection at Christmas
Charlie Lawson
Expert at helping you network and get referrals. I help Unnatural Networkers in particular - people who would rather avoid it completely - to use the power of networking to grow their business and get more clients
Welcome to the third edition of the monthly Unnatural LinkedIn Newsletter, where we explore networking, referrals, LinkedIn and more - all from the perspective of an Unnatural Networker. Please hit subscribe!
We're on to the third edition here, so thank you to everyone that has hit subscribe so far. I'd love to know what you think about it too - let me have your feedback.
And if this is the first time you've found Unnatural Networking, you can learn more about me and what I do here.
And as it's Christmas - I hope that if you're getting a break this festive period, have a good one. If you're not - then thank you for keeping up the hard work!
See you in 2024!
The Power of Connection
On Christmas Eve 2014, soldiers from both sides in World War 1 spontaneously laid down their weapons, ventured into no-man's land, exchanged gifts, and even played football together.
It was a remarkable moment of connection in the midst of the chaos of war, highlighting the universal desire for peace.
But even more than that, it showed a desire for human connection. Even in incredibly challenging times, this was a testament to the profound impact of fostering connections, transcending boundaries, and finding common ground.
As you approach Christmas in 2023, maybe your world hasn't been as disrupted as those soldiers back in 1914 (although there are plenty of people that are living through very tough times right now) - but the power of connection still lives on.
As you meet up with your friends and family over this festive period, don't just think about the here and now. As a race, us humans depend on connection - maybe that's something to take into 2024?
Unnatural Networker Tip:
Effective networking takes practice, practice, and then a little more practice.
Networking is a learned skill. No one was born a great networker - even those natural networkers. Over time, through their interactions as a child and into adulthood, they became a great networker.
But us Unnatural Networkers - we didn't seek it out when we were younger. So now, when we need to do it, it can feel hard.
But because networking is a learned skill - you can work on it. And, you can practice. So get out there and do it!
A place to practice your networking...
Since the last edition of the newsletter went out, the Unnatural Networking Academy held it's first session.
A great turnout came to network, to learn the best networking lines (and one that you definitely MUST NOT use), and to find out how to get involved as we get going properly starting in January.
If you'd like to take your networking to the next level in 2024, drop me a line, and I'll give you all the details.
Getting out and about
I did my final talk of 2023 last week at the Camelot Christmas networking do. I led a session beforehand with 20 or so delegates, talking all things unnatural networker.
After that, we all went off to the main networking do - and throughout the evening I had most of the 20 come up to me at various times telling me how they were getting on, and sharing their experiences.
If you host networking events and would like me to come and help your teams make the most of them before they start, give me a call.
I also had the opportunity to speak in a very funky space!
I was brought in by JTP Architects to help their team on networking, and given they're architects, you'd expect their office to be interesting. I've got to say, it was spectacular (one picture really doesn't do it justice!):
What I've been doing and saying this month
As a regular feature in this newsletter, I highlight the posts I've put out in the last month that got th emost engagement and impressions:
- My view and a subesquent debate on Crocs (the shoes):
- Is it acceptable to like your own posts?
- The excellent Sahar Farooqi, a great person to know in the legal world:
- A request for good business books, with some great recommendations:
Looking for more?
I've been running a newsletter on LinkedIn for all of about a minute and half - but I've been sending out a regular monthly newsletter for a number of years now.
Want to be added to the list? Drop me a DM saying LIST and as a thank you, I'll send you a copy of my e-book: Do you come here often? The 13 best lines to use when networking.
How Good are You at Networking?
Want to check out how good a networker you are?
Then take the test! It takes 4-5 minutes to complete, is free, and you’ll get one or two pointers to help you get better at networking.
Take the test here!
The world is full of businesspeople who don't feel comfortable talking to or interacting online with strangers, whether that is because they are shy and introverted, or because they lack the confidence to do so. But that means they struggle to network effectively. I believe that everyone should be able to to benefit from the incredible results networking can create. I do that by helping them to get over their fears of networking by showing them how an Unnatural Networker does it. The difference you’ll see in your organisation’s networking results will be remarkable. Subscribe to The Unnatural LinkedIn Newsletter to help, or DM me and let's chat.