The Power of Connection
Ann Van Eron
Founder and CEO of Potentials, Organization Development Consultant, Executive Coach, Open-Minded Conversations Facilitator and Trainer, Best-selling Author, Writer, Speaker
I was recently at a workshop where we shared about our upbringing and experience of safety. I talked about being the oldest child of six and my role in supporting my siblings and family at an early age. The next day, a speaker talked about the impact of taking on many responsibilities early in life. A fellow participant recalled my story, simply turned to me, and gave me a warm look of caring and understanding. This simple moment touched me and made me feel seen, appreciated, and cared for.?
Think back to when someone saw you and showed they cared. It could be when someone calls to see how you are recovering from an illness, inquires about a project, or asks how your family member, pet, or something important to you is doing.?
This kind of connection makes our lives richer. The Harvard Study of Adult Development, one of the most extended studies on adult development and wellbeing, provides compelling evidence of the importance of relationships in promoting success, health, and overall wellbeing. Other studies report that fostering connection improves morale and teamwork, enhances trust, and influences engagement and culture.?
I am a strong endorser of the power of empathy. There are three types of empathy. Cognitive empathy is understanding what someone thinks and how they view the world. Emotional empathy is recognizing how someone is feeling. Empathic concern or compassion is caring about a person. Ideally, we demonstrate all of these empathy forms in one interaction.?
We can make an impact when we understand how someone is feeling and what they are thinking. Fundamental transformation comes when we sense someone genuinely cares and wants to understand us.?
We can make real differences in each other’s lives when we care about people and recognize their emotions and worldviews. Empathy does not mean that we necessarily agree or have the same experience; it means that we care and understand the human condition. We all experience many challenges and opportunities, and life is better when we sense another person is genuinely interested and cares.?
Too many leaders, professionals, and others feel a sense of isolation these days. They are busy with activity and focused on productivity, and such tender moments of connection are often missed. We all need empathy and genuine connection.?
When we connect with intention, we help regulate another’s nervous system. Just as a parent ideally acts as a calming influence when a child is upset or dysregulated, when we are open and caring, we help to calm another. With empathy and caring, a person can move from a “fight/flight” state to a “tend and befriend” state.?
We need leaders who will take an Open Stance and offer empathy, caring, and connection to others. This is especially needed during times of turbulence and uncertainty.?
Make the effort to give empathy and care today and notice the impact on your colleagues, family, and friends as well as on you.??
Open Stance Circles
People report that they experience genuine connection in the Open Stance Circles. We come together with a commitment to be open to ourselves and others and to offer empathy and caring.??
The meetings open with a quick review of the definition of an Open Stance.?
Taking an Open Stance is about noticing when we are contracted, in judgment, controlling, or closed and, with awareness, shifting to being curious, compassionate, courageous, and open to possibilities.?
From an Open Stance, we are able to attend to the world with greater resilience, embrace the present moment, and realize potential. Rather than react, we stop, step back, and shift to being open. From this place, we can pivot more effectively, recognize common ground and possibilities, and experience more joy.?
We then take a moment to breathe and reflect. Then, participants share how they have been open or the challenges they are facing. It is a supportive environment where we know that we are each learning. Then, we often offer coaching to a member who is facing a challenge using a peer coaching process called CREATE. It is a simple 90-minute experience where we leave feeling the power of connection and a commitment to take an Open Stance in our interactions.?
You are welcome to experience the power of connection and participate in an Open Stance Circle. For more information on the timing of upcoming meetings, please visit here:?
I wish you the experience of care and connection.
With an Open Stance and JOYBeing,
Ann Van Eron
As a global executive coach and organization development consultant with Potentials, I coach leaders, teams, coaches, and changemakers with practical processes and tips to:
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