The power of the collective, the power of purpose
This week, the School Sport and Activity Sector Partnership ( came together in Birmingham for its 2023 summit. This event and the gathering of those present crystallised in my mind the power of collective action and of working for a shared purpose that goes beyond the individual wants and needs of our own organisations.
When the government announced the first School Sport and Activity Action Plan in the summer of 2019, the sport sector was moved to act collectively through a written response signed by the CEOs of thirty-nine national sporting organisations. The message was clear, as much as the plan was welcomed more was needed to really improve young lives through physical activity, play, physical education, and sport.
There’s nothing remarkable about that, but what came next was markedly different to what the sector had done before. We invited officials from various government departments, all the signatory organisations (and a bunch of others) and education leaders to come together for 36 hours at Twickenham, curated by the Youth Sport Trust team out of which emerged the School Sport and Activity Sector Partnership and five pledges.
Over the intervening period these pledges have been refined, and can now be summed up as:
-??????? Commitment to take collective direct action,
-??????? Recognition of the value and strength of speaking with a collective voice
-??????? A desire to drive change in the sector for young people, from within
Whilst the Youth Sport Trust created the group and led it from the front since its inception, we recognised that it was the power of the collective, galvanised to act, that had the greatest potential to drive change. As a result, we have spent the last 12-15 months seeking to change the dynamic and maximise that potential to be truly collaborative, and with leads nominated by the group have gone through a journey of self-governance that has created a series of ‘united action’ working groups.
With that as context, what did the 2023 summit do?
Youth Sport Trust CEO Alison Oliver MBE opened the day reinforcing the roots of this partnership, encouraging the 120 representatives from around 70 sector organisations to continue to take direct collective action in a citizen, rather than institution-led approach. If we can recognise and agree on the challenges as we see them, what can we do together to tackle them.
Speakers from both the Department for Education (DfE) and Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) gave endorsement to this in the policy updates provided, indicating that it was the collective voice and trusted nature of the School Sport and Activity Sector Partnership that had led to the government including specific points within the updated School Sport and Activity Action Plan, and in the new sport strategy ‘Get Active’ both published in the summer of 2023.
And yet it was the keynote speaker, Sally Bacon OBE who shone the greatest light on the power of the collective and the power of purpose as she illustrated the challenges faced by the Arts and Culture in the education system, and how the Cultural Learning Alliance works collectively to take action and to influence.?
In sport we talk about the Arts and Culture being the place to learn from about working together to drive change… and heard from Sally that the opposite is also the case and that the cultural learning world point towards compulsory PE hours through to the end of secondary school, and to the Primary Premium as indications of where we are better off. The grass is rarely greener, but there are always opportunities to learn.
To every turn I heard direct parallels on the barriers we face on the position of physical education, physical activity, play and sport in education, and those faced by the Arts and Culture. The tactics deployed that have been proven effective over years at local and national level are similar, had similar levels of beneficial impact and sadly suffered the same fate.
Hearing the approach of the Cultural Learning Alliance took me to the difference between Objectives, Strategy and Tactics. Our cause isn’t sport. Our purpose is young people, and so our objective is to overcome the ills in society that the ‘misery stats’ we in sport share in common with those in Arts and Culture. These include child poverty levels, record levels of mental health issues for young people, and a 24th place in the PISA rankings of European countries for life satisfaction in young people.
There is no doubt that the Cultural Learning Alliance has built a strong and united voice for their sector, with salient advice for those of us who see sport as a critical strategy to supporting young people. Sally Bacon’s advice to sport sector was:
1.???? Consultation – secure collaborative agreement
2.???? Coalition in king/queen – work together and in partnership
3.???? Clarity is key – the ‘what’, ‘so what’, and ‘now what’
4.???? Crafting – the value narrative from a clear and strong evidence base
Our strategy in the sport sector to overcome this is of course sport and we have our own set of tactics. But it was what Sally Bacon said next that really rang true for me – that the Cultural Learning Alliance describes their worries as being the Canary in the ‘school mine.’ When the place of Arts and Culture, and PE, Sport, Physical Activity and play is challenged and undermined in schools then the purpose of education becomes monolithic and it is young people and therefore society that suffers.
The panel discussion that followed, adding the voices of Clare Hoods-Truman , Executive Principal at Oasis Academy Blakenhale, and Dr. Alton Brown (Hon FLSBU) whose experiences transcend the youth work, cultural and sporting sectors reinforced the holistic nature of the challenges facing young people. Both were able to join with Sally Bacon and Ali Oliver in exploring how a rich and broad approach to our support, environment and life ‘curriculum’ of experiences for young people is central to them building happy and fulfilled lives.
Partner-led content then drove much of the remaining programme through a sharing forum akin to ‘TED Talks’ and Action Groups ( ?
These sessions were focussed on three themes (Physical Literacy, Workforce Development, Youth Engagement) and included speakers from the National Youth Sport Forum – the representatives of the youth boards of many sports organisations, and from eleven different organisations from across the physical activity, play, physical education, and sport sectors.
To have the representatives of 70 organisations come together in this way bodes well for the future united actions of the sector for the benefit of young people. For the Youth Sport Trust this the heart of our mission to create a future where every child enjoys the life changing benefits of play and sport.