The Power of a Coach
Coach. What images come to your mind? Sports? Handbags?
Sorry, Coach ? and sports fans, but this article will be about neither of the above, but rather about the personal coach. Coaching for business executives has been a “thing” since the 1980’s when Sir John Whitmore developed his signature program, GROW: Goal, Reality, Options, Will.
Personal coaching, also known as executive coaching is a billion-dollar industry that has become ubiquitous in the corporate sector. Nonprofit executives have also recognized the value and are investing in their professional development by hiring a coach. However, coaching nonprofit leadership is not limited to the C-suite. Some nonprofits are investing in their mid-management directors and managers.
The power of a coach is in their perspective as an outsider. Their role is to raise awareness and then ask the client to do something with that awareness. Coaches are not hired to teach practical business skills, rather they partner with the individual to achieve personal understanding, career fulfilment, and, ultimately, a higher state of performance.
This is accomplished by helping to establish a vision and goals, building on strengths and managing weaknesses, identifying blind spots, and patterns of behavior; and providing accountability.
There are two main features of coaching:
· 1-on-1 conversation and,
· concentration on performance or areas related to one’s performance.
Working with a business coach should be thought-provoking, challenging, and inspiring. Through this work a person should be able to identify what’s important to them on a personal level and feel empowered to achieve their maximum potential, both personal and professional.
Choosing a business coach is not something to rush into. Interview several candidates. Be mindful of your decision-making process. Are you intuitive or analytical? Ask for recommendations, but also remember that worked for your friend or colleague may not work for you. Don’t hesitate to talk about money. An ethical professional will not be offended and will be glad to clearly explain what you will be paying for.
For more information on the science of coaching go to
DMGroupConsulting has one goal, to help you achieve your goals. We offer fundraising and board development services to nonprofit organizations and social responsibility planning to small and mid-size for-profit businesses. Please contact us for more information.