The power of choice
It’s strategy renewal season, with a view to budgeting after that for many of my clients.
I’ve sat in several of these sessions recently, sometimes as an external observer to add feedback and contribute, and others as co-designer with the Executive team.
What’s been most apparent is:
Funding partners, investors, and philanthropists want to see values alignment, outcomes, and credible growth.
Boards want to see a CEO who's considered, has things under control, and has a powerful vision for the future.
Questions I’d suggest you consider, particularly when it comes to courting investors, funding partners or renewing departmental budgets;
*Open vs Closed Questions
When I say options, I’m talking about a choice of ‘yes’es’ instead of ‘yes or no’.
Do you want to invest / Do you want to fund our department for $xM? Yes/no.
A choice of yes’es!
Don’t ask people closed questions until you are sure you’ve got the sale.
If you aren't confident in answering all of the above, or you are and don't have it in a format that will get everyone excited and the job done, book in for a chat:
For new clients in Australia, please use this link to book.
International clients use this link for my early morning / late evening availability.
Don't leave millions of dollars on the table when they could be yours.
Pain, Stressed Women, and Mothers
Are you really 'BUSY'... Or are you
B elieving
U nrealistic
S tandards and
Y ielding to stress??
My fiancée Nicole Stewart asked the above recently, and whilst we’re discussing acronyms land, we were both at a holistic healthcare workshop last Monday evening where PAIN was explained to me as;
P ay
A ttention
I nside
N ow
Usually I just push through in physical exercise though my lower back isn’t what it used to be, and in the past 10 days of gym sessions I’ve been paying attention instead of ignoring it and pushing through, and the results? Remarkably better!
Though what’s this about stressed women and mothers?
Nicole has just launched her new program:
Stressed out to Successful & Satisfied
How to overcome anxiety and burnout and move towards relaxation, abundance and radiant femininity
If you are a woman, love a woman, care for a woman or want an unusual gift for Mother's Day, check it out - we’ve been getting great feedback all week! :)
Important topics are seldom cheery
This is worth your time, even if you’re in Australia, because let’s face it, we’re a cultural outpost of the USA.
If you watch a minute, you'll quickly know if you want to hear the rest.
Let me know what you get from it.
A reminder to say hello
I do my best work with leaders who consider themselves proactive change makers, whose companies are at a tipping point, have strong offerings, and are ready to launch into the next stage of their greatness.
If that’s you, or if you are a lawyer, accountant, wealth manager, financial advisor, or someone who thinks, ‘I know a few of those!’ I’d love to speak further.
Within Australia, please use this link to book.
International clients use this link for my early morning / late evening availability.
I look forward to hearing more about your world, have a great week!