The Power of Choice and Desire
The Power of Choice and Desire: Steering Through Life's Noises
In our busy world, we face many choices that match what our heart desires. Even though there are many things we can do, it's our passion and willpower that decide our path.
Think about someone with a disability. They can still dream big – maybe becoming an athlete, a smart businessperson, or someone who inspires others. But sometimes, feeling sorry for ourselves can block these dreams. It's important not to feel trapped by what's tough in our life.
We all have our problems and stories from our past. But why do some give up when things get tough while others keep pushing? It's all about the choices we make and how badly we desire something.
Here's a simple truth: "You can't force someone to desire something, but dreams only come true when we work for them." Life doesn't give us everything; we need to work for it. Nowadays, we get things quickly, like prizes for simple tasks or fast online shopping. But what happens when that quick happiness goes away?
We should inspire young people, who'll make our future. But it's wrong to say life is always easy or that you get a prize for just trying. Life has its tough times. Society can make us feel bad about ourselves. And if we listen to that negativity, it can hold us back.
There'll always be someone better at something. But that doesn't mean we should give up. Instead, why not work together? Think about Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. With distinct skills, they came together, taking a collective bite out of the apple and establishing a legacy.
People like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mahatma Gandhi had many challenges. But they kept going and changed our world because they followed their hearts. Just like them, we all need to keep chasing our dreams, with our hopes guiding us.
What made them different? They didn't lose hope. It's hard to stay hopeful when others doubt you. But the answer is to believe in yourself. We need to see ourselves as strong people, not just as victims.
We're all born with an inner voice that guides us. Like Jobs and Wozniak, we should listen to it. Being smart means knowing what advice to take and what to ignore. Just like when we first ride a bike without help, we learn to trust ourselves.
To put it simply, life wants us to take charge. We should enjoy the ride, even with its bumps, and know that every day is a fresh start.
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