The Power of Character
Robin Bertram
Author Charisma House Publishing, Abingdon Press & Contributor Livingbetter50
As the excellence of steel is strength, and the excellence of art is beauty, so the excellence of mankind is moral character. - A. W. Tozer
Freedom Today was my birth child, given as a gift from the Lord. It was a nationally and internationally syndicated television show that aired for a number of years. I was the host and executive producer of the show and I would bring on guests who shared their story of radical, life-altering experiences. They would share their personal testimonies of how God had brought them from a very dark place into the light of His love.
Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. Helen Keller
I received a call one day from a woman named Megan, who lived in Fort Worth, Texas. She was broken. I could hardly understand her through the tears. She had grown up in church, but through her time as a young mother and her experience with a very bad marriage, she had walked away from the church and the Lord. Megan had three girls and had been through a rather brutal divorce. She was left raising her children on her own. She worked for a very profitable company in Fort Worth. Her boss, she found out, had been skimming off of the business for some time. At first, Megan thought about turning him in but feared that would mean the end of her job. After some time, Megan decided to take a portion of the profit for herself. For a number of years, they were successful at defrauding their company of millions.
Eventually, the FBI caught on to their scheme and they were both arrested for a host of offenses. Megan was going to go to prison. Through her tears, she cried out, If only.... If only I would have lived my life as I knew I should have. If only I would have made better decisions. If only I had not been so greedy. If only I would have remained in church. If only...
Your character is defined and refined by your endurance while walking through the challenges of godly discipline and suffering. Walk wisely.-Robin Bertram
Nothing outside of salvation will impact living a life without regrets more than having godly character. Character counts. Character building is an important aspect of living a Christian life that is honorable and pleases God. God requires that we grow in character, therefore, we should be constantly growing and not become stagnant in our faith. Every Christian parent desires to build in their children's heart, qualities that most reflect Christ. These characteristics will help them form and shape a future that is valuable, impactful, and purposeful. The desire should be the same for adults as well. Where do we start? We start with the understanding of the importance of character development, then understand the process of character development, and lastly, the joy it brings. The decisions we make today greatly impact our tomorrow.
What is character? It is what defines you. Character is a man's mental, moral and ethical qualities distinctive to that particular individual. It's their personality, their nature, and their disposition. It is moral integrity. In many respects, character is the outward reflection of your inward righteousness. It is what people will remember about you by when you are long gone. Is character important? Yes, especially if you want to live a life of no regrets. Most of us would not find our life in as much disarray as Megan, but most of us have a bucket full of regrets. How can you live a life in such a way that you are protected from those devastating decisions? When our time here on earth is done, will we look back and feel the magnitude of a life filled with regret? We get one chance to do this thing called life and we want to do it in the best way possible.
This is an excerpt from No Regrets. Get your copy today from Amazon.