The Power of the Brand Playbook
Ever wondered why some people in your organisation don’t seem to care about your business as much as you do? They rock up each day and put in just enough effort in to get by and get paid. I mean why should they care more or do more? They don’t get a share of the profits, they’re not worried about taking enough to pay the rent, rates or utility bills, or concerned about delivering exceptional guest experiences or have to respond to disgruntled guests. It’s simply not their business.
Why should a part-time employee care about your business, after all it’s just a means to an end, to earn enough to pay the rent or fund their social life right? Wrong! One day someone might work for them so why not teach them the right way of doing things right now.
It’s critical you let your people know just how important they are and how significant their contribution is not only to the success of the business and the guest experience but their own reputation and future ambitions.
Are they even aware of the founder’s story, the reason the business was started, the inspiration, the struggles and the personal sacrifices made to make a dream a reality? Should they not know the backstory, the blood, sweat and tears, not to mention the sizeable investment or personal loans? OK maybe not the loan but everything else!
All to create a business that could provide an experience the industry was missing and employment opportunities for those that might really need it. A brand that customers could rely on, a business with integrity. Assuming you work for a business like this, with values and integrity, who knows what those values are and what they look like in terms of behaviour and actions?
Does each and every single person in the business know the founder’s vision, the company’s mission and their purpose? If not, why not?
Why is it that hospitality comes so naturally to some, yet others regularly miss the opportunities to make a difference to someone’s day by delivering thoughtful service? Do they not care or do they just not know how? I suggest it’s the latter. Another good reason to share your story, because people tend to do more and care more when they feel an emotional connection to a business, it’s ethos or its leaders.
So if you’re frustrated and wondering what to do about slowly eroding standards, inconsistency in service or a guest experience that is certainly an experience but for all the wrong reasons! What can you do? You need a ‘playbook!’
If you’re not doing so already, you really need to tell the founders story (hopefully it’s an interesting one). You need to define the guest experience they dreamt of, the one you try to execute every day. In detail, every step of the guest journey, in black and white so there can be no misunderstanding. Not just ‘what’ and ‘when’ but more importantly ‘why’ and ‘how’.
The non-negotiables that every member of the team at every level acknowledge as the minimum expected and accepted! There’s no better way of setting the standard, your brand ambition and expectations than by sharing your story in your own bespoke ‘playbook’.
How everyone will deliver exceptional customer service, that’s intuitive, authentic and refreshingly reassuring. A ‘playbook’ written from the heart in a style that’s as engaging as it is inspiring. Every word curated and considered, each a steppingstone to achieving your company’s vision.
Sharing who you are, what you do, how you do it with every single person that joins your business is proven to help get a team of dedicated professionals that really make a difference.?
The most successful and admired hospitality businesses make it a priority to tell their story, paving the way for impressive inductions, training and ultimately guest experiences. Is it time you told your story?
To discuss culture, hospitality or your new brand ‘playbook’, get in touch.