Power BI Challenge #6 Now In Progress

Power BI Challenge #6 Now In Progress

There’s no better way to end the month and start a new one than by working on a fresh Power BI Challenge!

We’re jumping into a completely different industry this time, proving once again how dynamic Power BI can be. This is yet another chance to win a complimentary Enterprise DNA membership and unlock deeper skills once you gain access to all the resources that come with it.

Enterprise DNA Membership

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Challenge #6

In the last challenge, the participants were tasked to prove that Power BI can be a user-friendly solution in delivering in-depth insights into an optician’s delivery system.

This time, for challenge #6, we jump into the insurance industry.

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Just like all the other challenges before this, it’s possible that this scenario is already happening in real life as we speak. This is why it’s great to work on these challenges to see how you could step up and offer creative solutions if you do find yourself in this situation in the future.

Participants are given 2 weeks to complete the challenge. The deadline is on September 7.

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The Power BI Challenge

We’re now on our 6th challenge, and we must say that these Power BI Challenges have taken the Enterprise DNA community to a whole new level.
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Every challenge we’ve had so far has brought the masters, the slightly experienced and the newbies together as everyone tries to figure out the best solution for every given problem. The collaboration has been incredible, and everyone has made this a learning opportunity as participants and members share insights about each other’s work.

If you’ve been following this series, you’ll know that we have covered different industries with each challenge. We’ve also made sure that each scenario remains believable and true-to-life. After all, this is the best way for every Power BI user to practice their skills in preparation for potential problems they may encounter in the future.

The Enterprise DNA Team has been enjoying evaluating everyone’s work using the 4 pillars of a great Power BI report – data loading and transformation, data modeling, reports and visualizations, and DAX calculations.

We have to admit that it’s been getting tougher and tougher to come up with winners for each round, seeing how creative and intuitive everyone has been in their submissions.

The challenges have also showed us all how amazing Power BI can be regardless of what scenario and which industry you use it for.

How To Join

If you feel like you can come up with a winning solution to this challenge, here’s how you can join.

If you are an Enterprise DNA member, check the forum thread inside the Enterprise DNA Forum.

  1. Download the data set from this link: Challenge #6
  2. Post your report on the thread.
  3. Submit your PBIX files to powerbichallenge@enterprisedna.co

When you submit your report, just use the subject line Power BI Challenge 6 – Name (Member). If you’re not a member yet, use the subject line Power BI Challenge 6 – Name (Non-member) instead.

Enterprise DNA non-member you can still join by going here:

Enterprise DNA Power BI Challenge 6

  1. Submit your PBIX file, images of report, link and description to powerbichallenge@enterprisedna.co
  2. Post this caption on your social media accounts along with the image below: I accepted Enterprise DNA’s Power BI Challenge
  3. Make sure to hyperlink this post
  4. Use these hashtags on your social media post – #EnterpriseDNA #EnterpriseDNAPowerBIChallenge #PowerBIChallenge #PowerBIChallengeAccepted
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Find out more about Power BI Challenge #6 in the Enterprise DNA Forum.

Join Challenge #6 now and let’s see how creative you can be with your solutions through Power BI!

Enterprise DNA Team

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