The Power of Being Neutral
If we could only stay neutral for even a few moments when unexpected things happen, we dramatically increase our ability to respond versus the normal tendency to react. To the extent we stay neutral to some new occurrence; we create the space to dispassionately evaluate the circumstance. When we’re not neutral, we too often, too easily make judgments of right or wrong and in so doing limit our ability to experience a much larger reality. In that process we diminish our ability to remain dispassionately objective and allow our conditioned beliefs and attitudes (all of which are limiting) to take over and run our lives, most often depriving us of a much more expansive experience (reality). Instead of responding and appreciating the wonder of the moment we react to the judgment (positive or negative, “good” or “bad”) and miss the richness of the moment.
Consider instead simply visualize allowing the incident to float by, imagining any negativity dropping off into space being converted into positive universal energy. You can do it. After all, it is your reality. Remind yourself, you either create, contribute to or allow everything you experience. Have a wonderful day.