Power Automate - Configure run after
Configure run after is a useful setting within some Power Automate actions that can dictate what happens to a flow depending on certain outcomes. The following scenario shows one way this can be used:
?Failure Notification
Whilst Power Automate does notify users by email when a flow has failed, there may be times when you need to know about a failure much sooner.
Let’s imagine the following is a critical business flow. If the flow fails, the user wants an immediate email notification. I have added a ‘Send an email (V2)’ action at the end of the flow. In the settings for that action, you can see the option ‘Configure run after’.
When you select this, you get the following options:
As we want to only be notified if the flow fails, we tick the box for ‘has failed’. This will then only send the email notification if that is the outcome.
When you select ‘Done’ you will then see that the flow arrow to the email action is now red dashes. This shows that the action will only run after a failure:
If you would like to know more about the capabilities of Power Automate, or you are looking for support around building and deploying workflows then please reach out to us at [email protected].