The Power of Authenticity
What is brand? Is it just a set of devices and assets sitting in a folder on your computer? Is it just a style guide to make sure you use the right fonts? Well for many it is, but it should be so much more than that.
1. True brands stand for something
True brand reflects the values, story and direction of an organisation in a compelling way to an audience. True brand stands for something and seeks to answer the question of 'Why' we exist and not just 'What' we do. True brands are powerful because they encompass the entire way we communicate with the marketplace. At their core, they must authentic and consistent in that quest for authenticity.
Before we ride this off as a philosophical conversation that isn't rooted in practical 'Just tell me what to do' kind of advice, we must understand that for those brands that have grabbed a hold of this truth and decided to build the way they communicate on an authentic message much bigger and greater than just what they do; well they are succeeding.They are engaging audiences in deeper and more meaningful ways and that engagement is leading to conversion.
2. Authenticity grows companies
When we truly build brands around authentic messages and bigger causes, it has a direct impact on not just how we sell but how much we sell. Can that be the only thing that drives us towards authenticity? Well no, but what I love is that there is now more than ever a commercial reason to do good. It just makes sense. It's sellable to a CEO. It's something they can wrap their heads around. Doing good whilst driving a company into the ground is not right, and so when we can show data, statistics and anecdotal evidence providing us a compelling case for authentic brands performing better, it's hard for a company board not to agree it's a worthwhile investment of time and energy.
3. Authenticity requires intention
Authenticity may be something that by nature should come naturally, but how that works its way through an organisation takes strategic time, thinking and intentionality. The way we talk, the way we treat others and the way innovate all need guidance that aligns with our authentic position as a brand. Authenticity without intention just doesn't go far. Once an authentic brand is birthed, there are a number of practical steps to ensure that authenticity catches throughout any company.There is so much more to say on the topic but hopefully it's enough to get you thinking.
Here's a sub chapter from my book
7.6 Find a way to change the world
Trust me on this. Find a way to change the world. Don’t fight it. Any little way – it doesn’t matter. By changing the world, you will make your brand about something bigger than you. When you give consumers the opportunity to take part in something bigger than themselves, they join a movement and a cause, and this becomes something that transcends the basic “I pay money for your product or your service” relationship. It can be powerfully simple.
The way we change the world relates intrinsically to our core purpose and links powerfully to our story. It is not separate from these things but rather, these things reaffirm this core purpose in the minds of our audience. Once you have this defined, use it within your branding. Give your audience something to connect with. By engaging with you as a company, they are contributing to your purpose in changing the world to make it a better place. This is an authentically attractive selling point for your audience.
Copyright ? 2014 by John Cinquina. All rights reserved. For more information visit or
Red Meets Blue is an international award winning agency with a single purpose: To Build Great Brands. We specialise in Brand Development, Brand Management with Creative Design and Marketing.