The Power of Asking 'Why?': Discovering Purpose, Creativity, and Personal Growth
Appa, "Why is it that only birds are capable of flight?" My little one asked curiously. “Appa, how do fish swim?” inquired further.
“Appa, why aren’t we going back to our hometown?” My child pondered aloud. “Appa, why do some people sleep on the sides of the road?” asked, seeking knowledge.
As a parent, I sometimes feel a sense of irritation when faced with these questions. Perhaps it is because I do not know the answer, or I am too lazy to find and explain it, or I feel that the question is too simple. However, I recognize it is important to encourage my child’s curiosity and help them learn about the world around them.
Robin Sharma,?in his book, says:
“Knowing your purpose in life is the first step in living a life of purpose.”
This quote emphasizes the importance of asking “why” and discovering one’s purpose in life. Without a clear understanding of why we are here and what we do, it's difficult to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. By asking “why,” we can uncover our passions, values, and goals, and use that knowledge to guide our actions and decisions.
The Power of Asking “Why”: From Einstein to Steve Jobs
Einstein about asking questions — If I get 60 mins to solve a problem and my life depends on it, will spend the first 55 mins in finding the right question to ask and the remaining 5 mins to solve the problem
Back in 1943 at Santa Fe 3-year Jennifer asked her father Edwin Land during a vacation after taking a picture, why can’t we see the picture immediately — and her father found Polaroid
Why apple fell from a tree but the moon, not on earth? — gravity discovered
Studs Terkel?— author of?Working
Studs Terkel was an American author, historian, and broadcaster who wrote extensively about the power of asking “why” in his book “Working.” He believed that asking questions about the meaning and purpose of work was crucial for understanding the human experience and achieving personal fulfillment.
Stuart Scott once stopped and asked by a reporter — ask only one question?— check YouTube video
Stuart Scott was a sports journalist and anchor who passed away in 2015. People recognize him for his inspirational quotes and speeches, and he talked about the power of questioning in his work.
Here are a few quotes from Stuart Scott that relate to the power of questioning and asking “why”:
“Ask why until you understand something deeply enough to explain it to a child.”
The Benefits of Questioning: Creativity, Understanding, and Communication
Questioning is a powerful tool that every?designer?should be able to use fluently. As part of a?design?thinking process,?questions?can help understand a situation and get valuable insights. They can also foster creativity and innovation within an organization and help teams align and unite.
It plays the following roles:
Finding Purpose Through Questioning: Reflection and Personal Growth
Throughout my entire time in college, I never once stopped to question the purpose of my studies. It was simply something that my father had put me through, and so I went along with it. I always played it safe, too scared to take a chance on failure. But then, in my last semester, I experienced the devastating blow of failure for the first time. I shook to my core as I realized and asked myself the long buried question - why? I never questioned why I had to go down this path without ever being given a choice.
This failure was a turning point for me. It was the first time that I really began to explore the world around me and to discover the beauty in life. I began to develop a philosophical perspective on my existence and to live my life with mindfulness. Through this, I realized that life offers us the ability to learn everything, even from our failures. And so, from the ashes of my past, I arose, ready to tackle whatever challenges the world had in store for me.
I’ve always wanted to live life to the fullest, but it hasn’t been easy. I’ve faced a lot of challenges, including job losses and setbacks. Despite putting in all my effort, I’ve often found myself without a job and struggling to make ends meet.
I used to go with the flow of life, like a river carrying me along. I’d reach out and try to grab whatever opportunities came my way. But more often than not, I’d end up with nothing, my hands empty and my spirit crushed.
I used to ask myself, “Why? Why me?” But then I realized that life is full of surprises, both good and bad. Instead of analyzing the past, I started asking myself more meaningful questions, like “Why am I still alive? Why am I here at this moment? Why am I reading this?”
I’ve come to see that pointless questions get me nowhere. They just waste my time and sap my energy. Instead, I now ask myself, “Why am I still doing nothing? Why am I not running? Why am I not answering my kids’ questions?” These are the questions that matter, the ones that inspire action and make me feel alive.
I’ve learned that I can’t waste my “superhero power” on useless things like gossip or self-doubt. I need to use that power to take action and make the most of every moment. So now, I don’t just go with the flow of life. I take charge of my destiny, and I encourage you to do the same. Don’t wait for life to happen to you.